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Change Gantt from read-only to editable state

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2019 1:06 pm
by Nualis

We would like to change the state of the Gantt from read-only to editable when the user clicks a button. Do you have an example to change the behaviour of the Gantt on the fly for this?

We are using the Vue variant.

Re: Change Gantt from read-only to editable state

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2019 1:39 pm
by pmiklashevich
Please see readOnly property

You can try it out in console:

scheduler.readOnly = true;
// scheduler is not editable
scheduler.readOnly = false;
// scheduler is editable
or here:
scheduler = bryntum.queryAll('scheduler').filter(cmp => cmp.$name === 'Scheduler')[0]
scheduler.readOnly = true;
// scheduler is not editable
scheduler.readOnly = false;
// scheduler is editable
In your Vue application you will need to retrieve Scheduler instance first to use API. For example:
this.$refs.scheduler.schedulerEngine.readOnly = true;
Please see "Accessing the Scheduler engine" chapter in this guide:

Re: Change Gantt from read-only to editable state

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2019 1:18 pm
by Nualis
Hi Pavel,

Thank you for the answer. We've got this working. However I looks like setting the features.rowReorder does not respond correctly. When we initially set the Gantt to
 readOnly: true,
    features: {
        filter: true,
        nonWorkingTime: true,
        rowReorder: false,
        taskContextMenu: false,
        cellEdit: true,
        taskEdit: false,
        eventEdit: false,
        taskResize: false,
        taskDrag: false,
        taskDragCreate: false,
        timeRanges: {
            showCurrentTimeLine: false,
            showHeaderElements: false,
            enableResizing: true
and change it by a user action to
setReadOnly: function(value) {
      if (this.gantt) {
        this.gantt.readOnly = value;
        this.gantt.features.taskEdit = !value;
        this.gantt.features.eventEdit = !value;
        this.gantt.features.rowReorder = !value;
        this.gantt.features.cellEdit = !value;
        this.gantt.features.taskResize = !value;
        this.gantt.features.taskDrag = !value;
        this.gantt.features.taskDragCreate = !value;
        this.gantt.showRemoveRowInContextMenu = !value;
readOnly = false and features.rowReorderset the Gantt to readOnly = false and features.rowReorder to true,

Re: Change Gantt from read-only to editable state

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2019 1:23 pm
by Nualis
Hi Pavel,

Thank you for the answer. We've got this working. However it looks like changing the setting "features.rowReorder" does not respond correctly. We initially set the Gantt to
const ganttConfig = {
    readOnly: true,
    features: {
        filter: true,
        nonWorkingTime: true,
        rowReorder: false,
        taskContextMenu: false,
        cellEdit: true,
        taskEdit: false,
        eventEdit: false,
        taskResize: false,
        taskDrag: false,
        taskDragCreate: false,
        timeRanges: {
            showCurrentTimeLine: false,
            showHeaderElements: false,
            enableResizing: true
and during runtime a user switches to an "edit" mode by calling setReadOnly(false):
setReadOnly: function(value) {
        this.gantt.readOnly = value;
        this.gantt.features.taskEdit = !value;
        this.gantt.features.eventEdit = !value;
        this.gantt.features.rowReorder = !value;
        this.gantt.features.cellEdit = !value;
        this.gantt.features.taskResize = !value;
        this.gantt.features.taskDrag = !value;
        this.gantt.features.taskDragCreate = !value;
        this.gantt.showRemoveRowInContextMenu = !value;
The Gantt is editable, however you cannot drag and drop the rows.

Re: Change Gantt from read-only to editable state

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2019 11:43 am
by Nualis
Hi Pavel,

Any news on this ticket?

Re: Change Gantt from read-only to editable state

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2019 2:03 pm
by sergey.maltsev

Initially features are included/excluded through the features config like featureName: true.
No need to add something like featureName: false if you don't require this feature and it is not enabled by default.

Thus features config should contain all features you are going to access at runtime.
    features: {
        filter: true,
        nonWorkingTime: true,
        rowReorder: true,
        taskContextMenu: true,
Features could be disabled at runtime with the code below.
setReadOnly: function(value) {
        this.gantt.readOnly = value;
        this.gantt.features.taskEdit.disabled = value;
        this.gantt.features.eventEdit.disabled = value;
Currently not all of them support it.
But we are working on it. This is the ticket