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We have rendertodiv demo. You're right about `renderTo`, but you also need to create the gantt explicitly. For that you need to remove 'advanced-gantt' from the child items of 'advanced-viewport' and create instance of your gantt manually, like Ext.onReady(function() { Ext.create('Gantt', { renderTo...
Hello, There are 3 common approaches that's come to my mind. I'll show you some of them with no React, but you can easily apply them on React model. 1. Both stores are preloaded and on select in the first combo you need to filter data in the second (remote filtering is not supported out of the box y...
Here is how to override our classes: Please try something like: class TimeSpanOverride { static get target() { return { class: TimeSpan, product: 'scheduler', minVersion: '1.0', maxVersion: '2.0' } } normalize() { const me = this, { start...
I've created a feature request to keep start/end dates while zooming:
And also min/max dates to limit zooming:
Scheduler's start/end dates can be changed due to different reasons. One config that prevents the dates from being changed is autoAdjustTimeAxis config. You can set it to false to keep the dates fixed. However it won't help in case of zooming. Zooming assumes you want to see different dates in a dif...
All reports are valid. Thank you! Here's a bunch of tickets I've created for the next major release:
Not runnable again, sorry. I had to fix paths to the data files (removing leading ../). Then I got "Error: Invalid time axis configuration or filter, please check your input data.". You create start date like shown below, but it returns Invalid Date. new Date("2020-02-27T6:00:00.000Z&...
I'm afraid it's not runnable. I got "Uncaught has to be implemented" in your dataloader.js
Please fix and upload again.
I'm sorry. My bad. Copied wrong url. That config was about events. showRemoveRowInContextMenu is about rows (resources). ... ontextMenu
onColumnFilterFieldChange is a private function. What events you expect it to fire? Please open this demo and run in console:'change', console.log, console)'filter', console.log, console) Now type "a" in the Stuff column input. See 2 events a...