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Please use activeTarget to get event record from DOM element.
const tip = new Tooltip({
    forSelector : '.b-sch-event',
    listeners   : {
        beforeShow : ({ source : tip }) => {
            const eventRecord = scheduler.resolveEventRecord(tip.activeTarget);
I'm afraid that's not supported out of the box, but that's something we'd like to have. Here is the feature request:
What's your scheduler version? Please make sure your trial period is not expired. What example did you change? It's better to provide a zip-archive always to avoid a situation when something is not taken into account.
Hello, I downloaded your testcase but I failed to get it running. Please always provide detailed instructions of how to start your application and steps of how to reproduce the issue you faced with. Also never include node_modules folder, after running `npm install` it will be created automatically....
Yes, we're planning to add it later this year! Stay tuned!
EventTooltip feature doesn't support showing async content. The way you implemented it looks more like a workaround than a proper solution. And I can see the blinking you described. I've created a feature request to support it out of the box.
Please also see our Styling guide and Custom theme demo . So if you look at resources/sass/variables.scss, you'll find sass variables which you can override. For example, examples/timeranges/resources/app.scss: /* HEADER WEEKEND COLOR */ $weekend-background-color : transparentize(#a52323, .4); /* BO...
Please inspect the DOM and you'll see CSS rules which define colors. Try this in TimeRanges demo (https://lh/Scheduler/examples/timeranges/) examples/timeranges/resources/app.scss /* HEADER STYLES */ .b-grid-headers { .b-sch-timerange { &.b-sch-nonworkingtime { background-color: rgba(165, 35, 35... is a predefined dataset to be used with the eventStore which will get created automatically, if no event store is specified. is a raw data to load initially if specified as a config. Also if you set something to = [...arrayOfNewData] as to a property...

The issue is fixed in nightly builds, so you can download a new distributive from the customer zone. We don't have a specific date for the next release, but it will be released most likely in 1-2 weeks.
