Bryntum Gantt for Ext JS Features



Visual Appearance

  • All elements can be styled easily using just plain CSS
  • Row height is customizable, and can be changed dynamically.
  • The HTML produced by the Gantt chart is powered by pluggable Ext JS XTemplate classes.
  • Each timeline element (task, parent task, milestone) can be rendered with your own custom template
  • Tasks can be easily styled individually by putting CSS classes on the Model data, or by using the eventRenderer method.
  • Dependency lines and arrows can by styled individually. Example
  • Supports Ext JS hight contrast Aria theme. Check it out

Technical details

  • Easy to add custom data fields to any of the included Data Model classes (Task, Dependency, Assignment, Resource, Calendar etc)
  • Comes with a flexible API where you can override pretty much any part of the codebase.
  • Multiple build versions available, a readable development build with source code comments and a minified build for production use. You can also build your own custom version to minimize the footprint.
  • Platform: Ext JS (separate license required)

Server/Database Integration

  • Either use the standard Proxy classes in Ext JS or use our custom CrudManager class (v3.0+).
  • Load and save data in JSON or XML. Custom data formats can also be supported.
  • Fully working samples with PHP, Java and ASP.NET.
  • Integrates with any server technology (PHP, Java, ASP.NET etc)