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Siesta: --rerun-failed threshold as a parameter

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 4:48 am
by draines
Would you consider having the webdriver parameter "--rerun-failed" that set the threshold of allowed failures? At the moment, this value is hard-coded to 10%.
Would you consider giving the user a way to change this?

Our test suite has a persistent, frustrating race condition on login that causes tests to fail about 8-12% of the time. We are looking into fixing it (for real, I promise), but it would be very nice if we could just raise the cut-off, so that the webdriver only reports a failure if more than, say 15% of the tests failed.

Looking at your product, I see that the "siesta-launcher-all.js" file is the place that has this value hardcoded, in the "reviseFailedTests" function:
        reviseFailedTests : function () {
            var totalCount      = 0
            var failedCount     = 0

            this.forEachTestElement(function (el, group) {

                var result  = el.result

                // don't count tests that finalized with ERROR
                if (!result.ERROR && !result.passed) failedCount++

            if (failedCount <= Math.max(totalCount * 0.1, 1))
                this.forEachTestElement(function (el, group) {
                    var result  = el.result

                    if (!result.ERROR && !result.passed && el.canRunAgain()) el.setProcessed(false)
The "0.1" hardcoded value is the one in question. Could that be set in a parameter?

Thank you,

Re: Siesta: --rerun-failed threshold as a parameter

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2018 3:50 pm
by nickolay

Sorry, your post been left unnoticed. We'll consider adding ability to configure this option. Right now you can edit the "siesta-launcher-all.js" to change the hard-coded value.