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Post by sarah »

i am a beginner and start using EXT JS for a month and Ext Scheduler for last 3 days ....hope you can help me.

I am working on the example 'grouping'.I import this to the center region of border layout and i also add a date picker.But am not able to set the function in handler of date picker to work with the scheduler.
     var g = new Sch.SchedulerPanel({
            height : 700,
            stripeRows : true,
            enabledHdMenu : false,
            loadMask : { store : eventStore},
            selModel : new Sch.EventSelectionModel({ multiSelect : true }),
            startDate : new Date(2011, 4, 1), 
            endDate : new Date(2011, 5, 12), 
            viewPreset : 'weekAndMonth',
            rowHeight : 26,
            eventRenderer : this.renderer,

            columns : [
               {header : 'Rooms', sortable:true, width:140, dataIndex : 'Name'},
               {header : 'Type', sortable:true, width:140, dataIndex : 'Type'},
               {width:100, dataIndex : 'Category'}
            view: new Sch.SchedulerGroupingView({
                showSummaryInHeader : true,
                showGroupName : false,
                hideGroupedColumn : true,
                barMargin : 3
            resourceStore : resourceStore,
            eventStore : eventStore,
            border : true,

		new Ext.Viewport({
                layout: 'border',
                renderTo: 'calendar-ct',
                items: [{
                    id: 'app-header',
                    region: 'north',
                    height: 35,
                    border: false
                    id: 'app-center',
                    title: 'Event Scheduler', 
                    region: 'center',
                    layout: 'border',
                    listeners: {
                        'afterrender': function(){
                    items: [{
                        region: 'west',
                        width: 190,
                        border: false,
                        items: [	
								xtype: 'datepicker',
								id: 'app-nav-picker',
								cls: 'ext-cal-nav-picker',
								listeners: {
									'select': {
										fn: function(dp, dt){
										scope: this
							region: 'center',
    // Default renderer, supplies data to be applied to the event template
    renderer : function (event, r, tplData, row, col, ds) {
        tplData.cls = r.get('Category');
        // Add data to be applied to the event template
        return event.get('StartDate').format('Y-m-d');


Post by mats »

cls: 'ext-cal-nav-picker',
                        listeners: {
                           'select': {
                              fn: function(dp, dt){
                              scope: this

Post by sarah »

hi mats,

thank you....its working...

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