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[ANGULAR] Making top row fixed on sort

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2022 2:39 pm
by arpit

Hi team is there a key we can set on first record such that its position don't change when sort operation is applied on columns, basically our first row acts as summary and we don't want its position to be changed when sort operations are applied.

Re: [ANGULAR] Making top row fixed on sort

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2022 10:21 pm
by marcio


We don't have that functionality of fixing a specific row, I created a ticket for it

The workaround that you can use is

The summary by default is set at the bottom of the list, but you can change the positioning of the containers and put that summary information before the items list with CSS.

.b-grid-panel-body > .b-grid-header-container {
  order: 0;

.b-grid-panel-body > .b-grid-body-container, .b-grid-panel-body > .b-virtual-scrollers  {
  order: 2;

.b-grid-panel-body > .b-grid-footer-container {
  order: 1;