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Create other locale

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2021 11:12 am
by evgenia

Hello everyone. I am developing a calendar for users from Ukraine, I need the interface to be in Ukrainian. As I understand it, there is no support for this language, so I created such a js file (I took an example from custom.locale.De.js) and write phrases in Ukrainian directly.

code.PNG (39.87 KiB) Viewed 923 times

But I have a problem with the fact that months and weeks remain the same in English. How can I translate it to Ukrainian?

Снимок.PNG (51.18 KiB) Viewed 923 times

Re: Create other locale

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2021 12:08 pm
by alex.l

Hi evgenia,

For dates you should localize DateHelper.locale property. Please check if you did?

Example for Russian language

    DateHelper : {
        locale         : 'ru',
        weekStartDay   : 1,
        // Non-working days which match weekends by default, but can be changed according to schedule needs
        nonWorkingDays : {
            0 : true,
            6 : true
        // Days considered as weekends by the selected country, but could be working days in the schedule
        weekends : {
            0 : true,
            6 : true
        unitNames : [
            { single : 'миллисек', plural : 'миллисек', abbrev : 'мс' },
            { single : 'секунда', plural : 'секунд', abbrev : 'с' },
            { single : 'минута', plural : 'минут', abbrev : 'мин' },
            { single : 'час', plural : 'часов', abbrev : 'ч' },
            { single : 'день', plural : 'дней', abbrev : 'д' },
            { single : 'неделя', plural : 'недели', abbrev : 'нед' },
            { single : 'месяц', plural : 'месяцев', abbrev : 'мес' },
            { single : 'квартал', plural : 'кварталов', abbrev : 'квар' },
            { single : 'год', plural : 'лет', abbrev : 'г' },
            { single : 'десятилетие', plural : 'десятилетия', abbrev : 'дес' }
        // Used to build a RegExp for parsing time units.
        // The full names from above are added into the generated Regexp.
        // So you may type "2 н" or "2 нед" or "2 неделя" or "2 недели" into a DurationField.
        // When generating its display value though, it uses the full localized names above.
        unitAbbreviations : [
            ['мс', 'мил'],
            ['с', 'сек'],
            ['м', 'мин'],
            ['д', 'ден', 'дне'],
            ['н', 'нед'],
            ['к', 'квар', 'квр'],
        parsers : {
            L  : 'DD.MM.YYYY',
            LT : 'HH:mm'
        ordinalSuffix : number => `${number}-й`

Re: Create other locale

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2021 1:01 pm
by evgenia

Will it change month name and day of week name?

Re: Create other locale

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2021 1:10 pm
by alex.l

Yes, it will change date formats that you asked about. Did you check and it doesn't work for you?

Re: Create other locale

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2021 1:17 pm
by evgenia

I need to change name of the months and the name of the weeks

Снимок.PNG (57.66 KiB) Viewed 916 times

For example, at the top it should be written "Тиждень 50, Грудень 2021" instead of "Тиждень 50, December2021" and instead "sun" most be "нед"

Re: Create other locale

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2021 1:29 pm
by alex.l

Hi evgenia,

Did you try the code that I suggested? You should add that configuration into your locale file. According to standards

you should use "UA" or "uk" for DateHelper.locale property.

locale     = {
    // ...
    DateHelper : {
        locale : 'UA',
        // ...

More about date formatting is here

If it doesn't work for you, could you please share your code with us, we will take a look and help you out.

Re: Create other locale

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2021 1:57 pm
by evgenia

I had the same code as you did in the example above

locale     = {
    // ...
    DateHelper : {
        locale : 'UA',
        // ...

I changed UA to uk and it worked

locale     = {
    // ...
    DateHelper : {
        locale : 'uk',
        // ...

Thanks a lot!