Our state of the art Gantt chart

Post by bjork »

In the latest Gantt and SchedulerPro umd files the following code is present:

// HACK: terser/obfuscator doesn't yet support async generators, when processing code it converts async generator to regular async
// function.

 * Pages generator. Value should be string with exported HTML
 * @param {Object} config
 * @returns {AsyncIterableIterator<{value: String, done: Boolean}>}
 * @private

Exporter.prototype.pagesExtractor = async function* pagesExtractor() {
  yield '';

Shouldn't these files be transpiled? Our closure compiler doesn't like this and it's not that easy to configure it (sencha cmd 😢 )

Post by saki »

We have bumped target to chrome:75 as stated in change log. The main reason for that was to improve performance and decrease size of the bundles.

This should create no problems for modern browsers.

I see that you mention sencha cmd and it is not clear to me how do you use UMD bundles with Ext JS. Give us more information/sample please. It may be possible to configure cmd to bypass UMD processing/compiling or it may be necessary to use webpack re-transpile the bundle so that cmd is satisfied.

Post by saki »

There is quite simple way to re-transpile our bundle(s) included in the attached file. To use it:

  1. Unzip outside of your project
  2. Copy schedulerpro.umd.js to lib folder
  3. Run npm i
  4. Run npm run build
  5. Check build folder for output

Check please if the new bundle works in your project.

Note: For gantt you need to edit webpack.config.js but the procedure is same.

(976 Bytes) Downloaded 52 times

Post by bjork »

Works like a charm! Thanks Saki!

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