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Post by NMFSSemma »


I've been experimenting with the configuration example code again and noticed the switchViewPreset function but I couldn't find it in the API. I did eventually find it in sch-all-debug.js file on my computer but the only comment it has is private. So my questions are:
What is the initial parameter for?
Which parameters are optional?
Are all the functions in the API or only some of them?

Thanks, Emma

Post by mats »

That's a bad bug in the API, just updated the docs now (might have to clear your cache). The "initial" parameter is private, you should never use it.

Sorry for the confusion...

Post by NMFSSemma »

Thanks Mats, I was beginning to think I was just being dense ;)

Post by NMFSSemma »

Sorry I've got another API related question, so I thought I'd put it in here.

In the SchedulerPanel Class documentation you have some example code in which properties of the scheduler are set.
title : 'Both columns to the left',
eventBarTextField : 'Title',
viewPreset : 'hourAndDay',
startDate : new Date(2010, 11, 9, 8),
endDate : new Date(2010, 11, 9, 16),
renderTo : 'scheduler1',
height : 200,
width : 700,
But in scrollto.js I found the property enabledHdMenu, so I wondered if there was a complete list somewhere that I had missed?

Post by mats »

enabledHdMenu doesn't seem to exist in the latest Ext 3 version so it's probably a bug that's it's in the example. All the properties available should be present in the API docs, please tell me you find any other missing ones. :)

Post by NMFSSemma »

Another question, it may seem silly but it's been puzzling me for a while. What do the yellow square and blue jigsaw icons symbolize?

EDIT: Nevermind I found the symbols on the ext API, for some reason the icons didn't load on this one.

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