Premium support for our pure JavaScript UI components

Post by dsingh7 »

Browser - Chrome Version 121.0.6167.185
LWS - disabled

Post by alex.l »


Could you please test with this template ?

        <lightning-button variant="brand" label="Action"  ></lightning-button>
    <div class="container" lwc:dom="manual"></div>

Or send us a complete file with your template to check, if it has different structure. I am not sure what did you mean as parent/child in your template snippets, not sure 100% how it should looks like. I see that as the only difference via my and your versions.

All the best,

Post by gbrdhvndi »

Looks like one final null check is missing after calling getRootNode().

This is the current version:

class DomHelperOverrideActiveElement {
    static get target() {
        return {
            class : DomHelper
    static getActiveElement(element) {
        if (element?.isWidget) {
            element = element.element;
        return element?.getRootNode?.().activeElement;

And here is the corrected version:

class DomHelperOverrideActiveElement {
    static get target() {
        return {
            class : DomHelper
    static getActiveElement(element) {
        if (element?.isWidget) {
            element = element.element;
        return element?.getRootNode?.()?.activeElement;


Post by dsingh7 »

Thanks Man,
you got it. in which version I will get this fix??

Post by alex.l »


Aleksei, thanks for sharing the fix!

Aleksei is not from our company, he is a client who shared a fix with you. You can apply the fix by your own or wait until is fixed.
You can subscribe on ticket updates to be notified when it's done.

All the best,

Post by gbrdhvndi »

No problem Alex,

I can share a small patch for another override, too. It's for DomHelper.getVisibleViewport() which is in DomHelperOverrideIsInView.js. We have found a few situations where it also errors with a null exception and results in incorrectly positioned floating widgets (tooltips, dialogs), so we added more null checks in our own override which looks like this:

import { Override, DomHelper, Rectangle } from '@bryntum/core-thin';

    const scrollStyles = {
        auto: 1,
        scroll: 1,
const isScrollable = (style) => { return scrollStyles[style?.overflowX] || scrollStyles[style?.overflowY]; };
const getComputedStyle = (node) => { return node?.ownerDocument?.defaultView?.getComputedStyle(node); };
const getParent = (node) => { const result = node.ownerSVGElement?.parentNode || node.parentNode ||;
return (result == null ? undefined : result.nodeType) === Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE ? : result; };
const { body } = document;
class DomHelperOverride { static get target() { return { class: DomHelper, }; }
/** * Fixes BRLIB-653 */ static getVisibleViewport(startElement, docRect, targetEl) { const viewports = []; let result = docRect;
for (let viewport = startElement; viewport && viewport !== body; viewport = getParent(viewport)) { const style = getComputedStyle(viewport);
if (isScrollable(style) && style?.display !== 'contents') { viewports.unshift(Rectangle.client(viewport, null, true, true, targetEl)); } }
for (let i = 0, { length } = viewports; result && i < length; i++) { result = result.intersect(viewports[i]); }
return result; } }
Override.apply(DomHelperOverride); }


Post by gbrdhvndi »

Oh, and looks like there's someone else that can benefit from the getVisibleViewport patch:



Post by alex.l »

Thank you for your help! Very appreciated! I will let him know.

All the best,

Post by Maxim Gorkovsky »

Your problem might be caused by the fact first child of the LWC is not a grid container. If you move button below, component should be working fine:

    <div class="container" lwc:dom="manual"></div>
        <lightning-button variant="brand" label="Action"  ></lightning-button>

You can override getRootElement to use a selector instead:

Override.apply(class {
    static target = { class: DomHelper }

    static getRootElement(element) {
        const root = element.getRootNode?.();

        return root?.body || root?.querySelector('.container') || root?.firstChild || root || element.ownerDocument.body;

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