Our blazing fast Grid component built with pure JavaScript

Post by scottlin »

Dear Sirs,

I'm intendting to implement a CRUD function on the Grid component with a FieldSet.
See below screenshot attached.

BryntumGrid_FieldSet.jpg (214.24 KiB) Viewed 273 times

When I select a row, then click the "Edit" button on the top bar, I would hope to get the values of the selected row and copy it to the FieldSet.

When I finish the editing, then click the "Apply" button on the bottom of the FieldSet, I would like to get the values of the FieldSet and copy it to the selected row of the grid.

Please advise if there is a method to get and copy the values between the store data and FieldSet.

// bryntum_grid_rest.js

import { Grid, AjaxStore, Model, Toast, FieldSet } from '../../js/bryntum/build/grid.module.js';
//import { jszip } from '../../js/node_modules/jszip/dist/jszip.js'; // Excel exporter
//import { zipcelx } from '../../js/node_modules/zipcelx/src/zipcelx.js'; // Excel exporter

class Population extends Model {
    static fields = ['id', 'country', 'population', 'yearlychange', 'netchange', 'density', 'area', 'migrants', 'fert', 'age', 'urban' ]

const store = new AjaxStore({
	modelClass : Population,
	createUrl : "/populations/",
        readUrl : "/populations/",
        updateUrl : "/populations/",
        deleteUrl : "/populations/",
	autoLoad : true,
	autoCommit : false,
	pageSize: 10,

var grid = new Grid({

appendTo : 'container',

features : {
	cellEdit: false,
	sort: true, 
    group: true,
	//filter: true,
	quickFind: true,
	//filterBar: true,
	stripe: true,

// Headers will ripple on tap in Material theme
ripple : {
    delegate : '.b-grid-header'

	//{ id:"checked", header:[{content:"masterCheckbox"}], template:"{common.checkbox()}", width:100 },
	{ field: "select", text: "Select", type:"check", align: "center", flex: 1 },
	{ field:"id", text:"id", flex:1 },
	{ field:"country", text:"country", flex:2 },
	{ field:"population", text:"population", flex:1, type: "number" },
	{ field:"yearlychange",  text:"yearlyChange", flex:1, type: "number" },
	{ field:"netchange", text:"netChange", flex:1, type: "number"},
	{ field:"density", text:"density", flex:1, type: "number"},
	{ field:"area", text:"area", flex:1, type: "number"},
	{ field:"migrants", text:"migrants", flex:1, type: "number"},
	{ field:"fert", text:"fert", flex:1, type: "number"},
	{ field:"age", text:"age", flex:1, type: "number"},
	{ field:"urban", text:"urban", flex:1, type: "number"},

// Bottom toolbar controls the paging
    //bbar : {
    //    type : 'pagingtoolbar'

 tbar : [
        type        : 'button',
        ref         : 'useCompact',
        text        : 'Use compact mode',
        icon        : 'b-fa-square',
        pressedIcon : 'b-fa-check-square',
        toggleable  : true,
        onToggle    : ({ pressed }) => {
            if (pressed) {
                    html    : 'Compact mode - Click a column header and type to filter',
                    timeout : 5000
            grid.features.filterBar.compactMode = pressed;
        type     : 'button',
        ref      : 'removeAll',
        text     : 'Remove all filters',
        icon     : 'b-fa-times',
        onAction : () => grid.store.clearFilters()
        type     : 'button',
        ref      : 'addButton',
        icon     : 'b-fa-plus',
        text     : 'Add row',
        tooltip  : 'Adds a new row (at bottom)',
        onAction : () => {
            const added = grid.store.add({ 
				country: "Test-01",
				population: "1000",
				yearlychange: "0.2",
				netchange: "200",
				density: "100",
				area: "1000",
				migrants: "100",
				fert: "0.25",
				age: "35",
				urban: "0.75",
            grid.selectedRecord = added[0];
        type     : 'button',
        ref      : 'editButton',
        icon     : 'b-fa-edit',
        text     : 'Edit',
        disabled : false,
        tooltip  : 'Edit the selected row',
        onAction : () => {
        type     : 'button',
        ref      : 'deleteButton',
        icon     : 'b-fa-remove',
        text     : 'Delete',
        disabled : false,
        tooltip  : 'Delete the selected row',
        onAction : () => {
        type     : 'button',
        ref      : 'saveButton',
        icon     : 'b-fa-save',
        text     : 'Save',
        disabled : false,
        tooltip  : 'Saves changes (added, modified and removed rows)',
        onAction : async() => {
            await grid.store.commit();
            Toast.show('Changes saved');



const populationForm = new FieldSet({
    appendTo : 'container',
    title    : 'Population Editor',
    width    : '5em',
	hidden: false,
	collapsible: { direction: 'left' },
    items    : [
        { type  : 'text', label : 'Id' },
        { type  : 'text', label : 'Country' },
        { type  : 'number', label : 'Population' },
        { type  : 'number', label : 'Yearly Change' },
        { type  : 'number', label : 'Net Change' },
        { type  : 'number', label : 'Density' },
        { type  : 'number', label : 'Area' },
        { type  : 'number', label : 'Migrants' },
        { type  : 'number', label : 'Fert' },
        { type  : 'number', label : 'Age' },
        { type  : 'number', label : 'Urban' },
            type  : 'button',
            text  : 'Apply',
            style : 'margin:2em 0 1em 0',
            onClick() {
                Toast.show('You clicked the button');

Post by ghulam.ghous »

Hi Scottlin,

In order to get the current select row you can use https://bryntum.com/products/grid/docs/api/Grid/view/mixin/GridSelection#property-selectedRows which returns an array of records of the selected rows or you can get the current single selected record by using selectedRecord which returns a single record https://bryntum.com/products/grid/docs/api/Grid/view/mixin/GridSelection#property-selectedRecord. In order to update the values, you can simply get the set the updated values of the record in the apply function and they will update in the UI.

So something like this to get the row(record):

let currentSelectedRecord = grid.selectedRecord
            type  : 'button',
            text  : 'Apply',
            style : 'margin:2em 0 1em 0',
            onClick() {
                Toast.show('You clicked the button');
                currentSelectedRecord.name = 'new name'
                currentSelectedRecord.food = 'Biryani'
Screen Recording 2024-01-30 at 8.29.37 PM.mov
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Hope it helps!

