Our flexible Kanban board for managing tasks with drag drop

Post by shimnx »

I want to customize the filter criteria, but that doesn't seem to work
Do I need to add eventStore, and how do I introduce eventStore

 tbar: [
        { type : 'taskfilterfield' },
        // Field for filtering columns
        // { type : 'columnfilterfield' },
        // Field for filtering swimlanes
        { type : 'swimlanefilterfield' },
        // Move the last items to the right
            type: 'filterfield',
            filterFunction : (record, value)  => {
               return record.text.includes(value);
        // Button to pick which columns are shown
        // { type : 'columnpickerbutton' },
        // Button to pick which swimlanes are shown
        // { type : 'swimlanepickerbutton' }

Post by tasnim »

You need to define the store :

	type: 'filterfield',
	store : taskStore,
	filterFunction : () => {...}


Post by shimnx »

How do I introduce taskStore

Post by shimnx »

 * @Description:
 * @Version: 2.0
 * @Autor: shimnx
 * @Date: 2022-07-27 09:11:33
 * @LastEditors: shimnx
 * @LastEditTime: 2022-08-12 19:41:35
import { TaskBoardConfig, ProjectModelConfig, TaskModel } from '@bryntum/taskboard';
import { Button, TaskBoard, Toast, MessageDialog, StringHelper } from '@bryntum/taskboard';
import moment from 'moment';
import {ScrumBoardComponent} from './scrum-board/scrum-board.component'
import { ProjectTaskComponent } from './project-task/project-task.component'

export const projectConfig: Partial<ProjectModelConfig> = {};

class CustomTask extends TaskModel {
    static fields = [
const teamIcons = {
    medium  : 'pen-fancy',
    high : 'weight-hanging',
    low  : 'hammer',
export const taskBoardConfig: Partial<TaskBoardConfig,> = {
    useDomTransition     : true,  // Experimental, transition moving cards using the editor
    stickyHeaders        : true,  // Want headers to stick to the top,
    showCollapseInHeader : false, // Hide column collapse tool
    showCountInHeader    : false, // Hide task count from column headers
    resourceImagePath    : 'assets/users/', // Url for resource avatar images
    css: {
        background: '#fff',
        bodyPadding: '.5em',

    columnBackground: '#f9f9f9',
    columnHeaderBorderTop: '5px solid #00893d',

    cardBorderTop: '5px solid #00893d',
    cardFooterFontSize: '.8em'
features: {
    columnHeaderMenu : { disabled : true },
    simpleTaskEdit   : { disabled : false },
    taskMenu: true,
    swimlaneDrag: { disabled : false,
    taskEdit: {
        processItems(data) {
            // data.taskRecord.name = 'change';
            (window as any).ProjectTaskComponent.component.openTask(data.taskRecord);
            // console.log(new ScrumBoardComponent().drawer)
            // (window as any).ScrumBoardComponent.component.openDrawer();
            // console.log(data.taskRecord.stores)
            return false

            priority: {
                type: 'combo',
                items: Object.keys(teamIcons),
                label: 'Priority',


// swimlanes: [
//     { id: 'GroupA', text: 'GroupA', color: '#FF9800' },
//     { id: 'GroupB', text: 'GroupB', color: '#E62C27' },
//     { id: 'GroupC', text: 'GroupC', color: '#1CAA52' }
// ],
autoGenerateSwimlanes : true,
swimlaneField: 'groupName',
// Add a button to show the context menu to card header
headerItems: {
    menu: { type: 'taskMenu', order: 200 }

// Add a progress bar to card body
bodyItems: {
    // Progress bar, 0 - 100
    progress: { type: 'progress', max: 100 },

    // Image
    image: { type: 'image', baseUrl: 'resources/' },

    // Separator line, uncomment to show
    // separator : { type : 'separator' },

    // Rating (starts), uncomment to show
    // rating   : { type : 'rating', max : 5 },

    // Team icon + text

    prio: {
        type: 'template',
        template: ({ value }) => {
                return  `<div class="medium">${value}</div>`
                return  `<div class="high">${value}</div>`
                return  `<div class="low">${value}</div>`
    date: {
        type: 'template',
        template: ({ value }) => {
            const diff3 = moment(new Date()).diff(moment(value), 'days')
                return `<div class='late'>${value}</div>`
                return `<div class='normal'>${value}</div>`

// Add a template displaying priority to card footer
footerItems: {
        type: 'template',
        template: ({ value }) => {
            return  `<div>${value}</div>`
    dailyTaskCount: { type: 'template', template: ({ value }) => `Daily Task ${value}` },
    actionCount: { type: 'template', template: ({ value }) => `Action ${value}` },


project: {
    taskModelClass : CustomTask,
    // empty to start with
tbar: [
    { type : 'taskfilterfield' },
    // Field for filtering columns
    // { type : 'columnfilterfield' },
    // Field for filtering swimlanes
    { type : 'swimlanefilterfield' },
    // Move the last items to the right
        type: 'filterfield',
        placeholder: 'Highlight tasks',
        // onChange({value}) {
        //     value = value.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&');
        //     // A filter with an id replaces any previous filter with that id.
        //     // Leave any other filters which may be in use in place.
        //     console.log(value)
        //     window['ProjectTaskComponent'].component.taskboard.project.eventStore.filter({
        //         id       : 'eventNameFilter',
        //         filterBy : event => event.assigner.match(new RegExp(value, 'i'))
        //     });
        // },
        store : TaskBoard.project.eventStore,
        filterFunction : (record, value)  => {
           return record.text.includes(value);
    // Button to pick which columns are shown
    // { type : 'columnpickerbutton' },
    // Button to pick which swimlanes are shown
    // { type : 'swimlanepickerbutton' }
columns: [
    { id: 'Todo', text: 'TO DO', color: 'deep-orange' },
    { id: 'Doing', text: 'DOING', color: 'orange' },
    { id: 'Done', text: 'DONE', color: '#00893d' }
columnField: 'status'

Post by shimnx »

And is there any way to clear all the query conditions

Post by shimnx »


That doesn't seem to work

Post by marcio »

Hi shimnx,

You need to get the right variable for your taskboard, I used the columns demo https://www.bryntum.com/examples/taskboard/columns/ and set it up like this

const taskBoard = new TaskBoard({
    ... other configurations
    tbar : [
    	... other tbar configurations
            type        : 'filterfield',
            placeholder : 'Highlight tasks',
            onChange    : ({ value }) => {
                const filter = value.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&');
                    id       : 'eventNameFilter',
                    // Filtering by name property
                    filterBy : event => event.name.match(new RegExp(filter, 'i'))

Also with that configuration that I shared,


worked correctly

Best regards,

Post by shimnx »

marcio wrote: Fri Aug 12, 2022 3:32 pm

Hi shimnx,

You need to get the right variable for your taskboard, I used the columns demo https://www.bryntum.com/examples/taskboard/columns/ and set it up like this

const taskBoard = new TaskBoard({
    ... other configurations
    tbar : [
    	... other tbar configurations
            type        : 'filterfield',
            placeholder : 'Highlight tasks',
            onChange    : ({ value }) => {
                const filter = value.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&');
                    id       : 'eventNameFilter',
                    // Filtering by name property
                    filterBy : event => event.name.match(new RegExp(filter, 'i'))

Also with that configuration that I shared,


worked correctly

When I click, the page will be stuck for a long time, probably because of the large amount of data (about 100 pieces of data), which will not happen if the amount of data is small

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Post by shimnx »

shimnx wrote: Fri Aug 12, 2022 2:24 pm

That doesn't seem to work

 * @Description:
 * @Version: 2.0
 * @Autor: shimnx
 * @Date: 2022-07-26 10:02:43
 * @LastEditors: shimnx
 * @LastEditTime: 2022-08-16 13:01:03
 * App component script
import { Component, ViewChild, AfterViewInit } from '@angular/core';
import { BryntumTaskBoardComponent, BryntumProjectModelComponent } from '@bryntum/taskboard-angular';
import { TaskBoard } from '@bryntum/taskboard';

import { taskBoardConfig } from './app.config';
import { projectData } from './app.data';

  selector: 'app-root',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./app.component.scss']

export class AppComponent implements AfterViewInit {

  taskBoardConfig = taskBoardConfig;
  projectData = projectData;

  // Bryntum TaskBoard Angular wrapper reference
  @ViewChild(BryntumTaskBoardComponent, { static: false }) taskboardComponent: BryntumTaskBoardComponent;
  @ViewChild(BryntumProjectModelComponent, { static: true }) project: BryntumProjectModelComponent;
  taskData = {
    tasksData: [
      { id: 1, name: 'My first task', "progress": 45, status: 'Todo', "prio": "medium", date: "2022-08-01", groupName: 'GroupA', dailyTask: 1, action: 3 },
      { id: 2, name: 'My second task', "progress": 45, status: 'Todo', "prio": "high", date: "2022-02-01", groupName: 'GroupB', dailyTask: 1, action: 3 },
      { id: 3, name: 'My third task', "progress": 45, status: '1', "prio": "high", date: "2022-02-01", groupName: 'GroupC', dailyTask: 1, action: 3 },

  private taskboard: TaskBoard;

  ngAfterViewInit(): void {
    this.taskboard = this.taskboardComponent.instance;
    (this.taskboard.project as any).loadInlineData(this.taskData)
    (this.taskboard.project as any).eventStore.clearFilters()

This method does clear the query after the query condition, but the value is not

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Post by shimnx »

I want to dynamically display the Swimlane titles, mainly because I want to modify the number of swimlanes per Swimlane

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