Our state of the art Gantt chart

Post by phil714 »


I'm not really sure why but I've had this bug where sometimes the beforeSync isnt called when it should. I was able to reproduce this in a basic react example just by adding a beforeSync listener and printing the project.changes in the listener. I have tested with rollup as well but didnt have the same behavior.

How I reproduce it :

  1. Edit a task, click on the manuallyScheduled checkbox to turn it true.

  • Save

  • I receive my event in the beforeSync

  • Edit the same task, uncheck the manuallyScheduled checkbox to turn it false.

  • Save

  • No event is received

This is affecting us because it means sometimes the change wont be synced at the right time. Important to note that if I edit another field and then uncheck manuallyScheduled, it will work.

Let me know if you need a code example

Post by Maxim Gorkovsky »

Project will not commit changes to the record until it receives response. So if you trigger a sync request which doesn't succeed and then set value back (i.e. revert the change) project will not see changes and will not try to sync.

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