Our state of the art Gantt chart

Post by ducminh1511 »

Hello friends,

Currently I have a problem, I have made options, I hope that when you click on each option and click on the SUBMIT button the tasks will be filtered according to the conditions. For example: type = 1 will display the tasks with type = 1 in DB. I have handled that when submit will push the types of the respective options up. Here is my code:



<div class="btn">
  <form [formGroup]="taskForm" (ngSubmit)="submit()">
      <select formControlName="taskSelect">
        <option [ngValue]="null" disabled>Select type task</option>
          *ngFor="let taskSelect of tasksSelects"
          {{ taskSelect.name }}

  <button type="submit" class="btn-submit">Submit</button>

Post by ducminh1511 »

export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
    taskForm: FormGroup;
constructor(private fb: FormBuilder) {} private calendarInstance: Gantt; private eventStore: EventStore; title = 'gantt-chart-project'; ganttConfig = ganttConfig; type = 0; name = ''; tasksSelects = [{ id: 1, type: 1, name: 'Task' }, { id: 2, type: 2, name: 'Inspection' }, { id: 3, type: 3, name: 'Material' }, ]; ngOnInit(): void { LocaleManager.applyLocale('Ja'); this.taskForm = this.fb.group({ taskSelect: [null], }); this.setDefaults(); this.taskForm.get('taskSelect').valueChanges.subscribe((f) => { this.onTaskChanged(f); }); } submit() { console.log('Form Submitted'); console.log(this.taskForm.value.taskSelect == 1); } setDefaults() { this.taskForm.get('taskSelect').patchValue(null); } onTaskChanged(value) { console.log('onTaskChanged'); console.log(value); } }

Post by ducminh1511 »

class MyModel extends TaskModel {
    static get fields() {
        return [
            // { name : 'deadline', type : 'date' },
                name: 'color'

const project = new ProjectModel({
    taskModelClass: (MyModel as unknown) as TaskModel,
    transport: {
        load: {
            url: '../assets/data/launch-saas.json',
    autoLoad: true,

// const gantt = new Gantt({
//   gantt.on('taskclick', ({
//     taskRecord
// }) => console.log(taskRecord))
// });

export default {
columns: [{ type: 'name', field: 'name', text: '名前', width: 1 }], subGridConfigs: { locked: { collapsed: true }, }, listeners: { taskClick: ({ taskRecord }) => console.log('taskRecord=>>>>>>>>>>>>', taskRecord), }, features: { taskDrag: { validatorFn(taskRecords, date, duration, newResource) { const firstDraggedTask = taskRecords[0], // or better use a loop isValid = firstDraggedTask.color === '#303331'; console.log('taskRecord', taskRecords[0].color); return { valid: newResource.available && isValid, }; }, }, taskResize: { validatorFn(record) { console.log('taskRecord1111111', record); return record.taskRecord.originalData.color != '#303331'; }, }, taskEdit: false, timeRanges: { showCurrentTimeLine: true, }, viewPreset: { // base: "weekAndDay", base: 'weekAndDay', tickWidth: 52, headers: [ // { // unit: 'month', // dateFormat: 'YYYY年 MMM', // }, { unit: 'week', dateFormat: 'YYYY年 MMM', }, { unit: 'day', dateFormat: 'ddd', }, { unit: 'day', dateFormat: 'D', }, ], }, eventColor: null, dependencies: false, }, taskRenderer: ({ taskRecord, renderData }) => { if (taskRecord.color) { renderData.style += `background-color:${taskRecord.color}`; } if (taskRecord.isLeaf && !taskRecord.isMilestone) { return taskRecord.name; } }, project, };

Post by ducminh1511 »

 "tasks": {
     "rows": [
{ "id": 51, "name": "上棟日", "manuallyScheduled": true, "startDate": "2021-02-21", "duration": 4, "color": "#ffffff", "cls": "foo", "type": 1 }, { "id": 52, "name": "ルーフィング敷き", "manuallyScheduled": true, "startDate": "2021-02-21", "duration": 1, "color": "#de4949", "type": 2 }, { "id": 61, "name": "ユニットバス施工", "manuallyScheduled": true, "duration": 5, "startDate": "2021-02-21", "color": "#303331", "type": 3 }, { "id": 57, "name": "床暖", "manuallyScheduled": true, "duration": 2, "startDate": "2021-02-22", "color": "#de4949", "type": 2 }, { "id": 59, "name": "ガス配管日", "manuallyScheduled": true, "duration": 3, "startDate": "2021-02-23", "color": "#de4949", "type": 2 }, { "id": 60, "name": "水道配管日", "manuallyScheduled": true, "duration": 2, "startDate": "2021-02-24", "color": "#303331", "type": 3 }, { "id": 53, "name": "屋根本葺き工事", "manuallyScheduled": true, "duration": 2, "startDate": "2021-02-24", "color": "#a1cbed", "type": 2 }, { "id": 54, "name": "防蟻工事", "manuallyScheduled": true, "duration": 1, "startDate": "2021-02-25", "color": "#a1cbed", "type": 2 }, { "id": 55, "name": "中間検査", "manuallyScheduled": true, "startDate": "2021-02-26", "duration": 1, "color": "#303331", "type": 3 }, { "id": 58, "name": "電気配線日", "manuallyScheduled": true, "startDate": "2021-02-26", "duration": 1, "color": "#303331", "type": 3 }, { "id": 56, "name": "防水工事", "manuallyScheduled": true, "startDate": "2021-02-27", "duration": 1, "color": "#a1cbed", "type": 2 } ] },

Post by pmiklashevich »

Pavlo Miklashevych
Sr. Frontend Developer

Post by ducminh1511 »


Do you have any specific sample

Post by pmiklashevich »

You can find lots of code snippets in the docs. Try in console of this demo for example: https://www.bryntum.com/examples/gantt/advanced/

    id: 'filterByType',
    property: 'percentDone', // choose data field you want
    operator: '=',
    value: 50

The object describes filter object https://www.bryntum.com/docs/gantt/#Core/util/CollectionFilter#config-property

Pavlo Miklashevych
Sr. Frontend Developer

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