Our state of the art Gantt chart

Post by Ivan Golov »


  1. Based on criticalpaths example
    Instead of loading example data include the following code:

name : 'manual',
startDate : '2019-01-25',
duration : 5,
manuallyScheduled : true,
constraintType : 'startnoearlierthan',
constraintDate : '2019-01-22',
}, {
name : 'auto',
startDate : '2019-01-13',
duration : 5
fromTask : gantt.taskStore.rootNode.firstChild,
toTask : gantt.taskStore.rootNode.lastChild

Manulal task has a contraint (for example set by user before, and then ovverriden by manually scheduled mode and should be ignored due to manual mode).

  1. Initially both tasks are on critical path as expected.

    cpinit.png (21.11 KiB) Viewed 377 times
  2. Then we move manual task start date on Jan 20 2019. Manual task is not shown as critical. Late dates and total slack are not calculated

    notcp.png (30.61 KiB) Viewed 377 times
  3. Then move manual task to Jav 22. All resume to work correctly

Post by arcady »

I cannot reproduce this in the upcoming 4.0. release. So it seems that it's resolved there. The release is on its beta stage now so can be downloaded from the customerzone. Please let us know if that works for you.

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