Premium support for our pure JavaScript UI components

Post by simiczky »

Hi! I have a problem after integrate into my systems (Angular8) the gantt and schedulerpro


This is error
Uncaught Error: Bundle included twice, check cache-busters and file types (.js)

Post by fabio.mazza »

Hi simiczky, welcome to Bryntum forum!

Could you please share a very simple test case with this integration that you are trying?

Thank you!

Best regards,

Post by fabio.mazza »

Also, we have an example how to integrate both Bryntum products: Use it as base to integrate for your Angular 8 test case.

Best regards,

Post by simiczky »

Hi Fabio!

bryntum-gantt/gantt.lite.umd.js ; (throw in the above error!)
in the meantime I put back the old import: bryntum-gantt/gantt.umd.js
there is no error with that.

Post by fabio.mazza »

simiczky, I am unable to reproduce right now. Where is this umd file from from? bryntum-gantt/gantt.lite.umd.js when you try to run any demo or on your project? How are you adding the gantt and scheduler-pro?

Could you please inform what demo you were based to create your project? I really need something to try on my side to identify the problem.

I need these details to investigate. Thank you!

Best regards,

Post by simiczky »

Hi Fabio!

it also smoothly throws an error into the gantt. (gantt.lite.umd.js)
This project no demo, our project!

my package.json

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    "gantt-builder": "node ./purchased_modules/bryntum-resources/_shared/scripts/build.js",
    "guide": "npm run gantt-builder guide gantt angular",
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    "bryntum-resources": "file:./purchased_modules/bryntum-resources/_shared",
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import { AssignmentModel, Combo, TaskStore, AjaxHelper, WidgetHelper, Store } from 'bryntum-gantt/gantt.lite.umd.js';
Uncaught Error: Bundle included twice, check cache-busters and file types (.js)

gantt.umd.js no error..

I copied these into my project

"bryntum-gantt": "file:./purchased_modules/bryntum-gantt/build",
from gantt-vanilla-4.0.0-rc-1/gantt-4.0.0-rc-1/build

"bryntum-resources": "file:./purchased_modules/bryntum-resources/shared",
from gantt-vanilla-4.0.0-rc-1/gantt-4.0.0-rc-1/examples/

"bryntum-angular-shared": "file:./purchased_modules/bryntum-angular-shared/shared/projects/bryntum-angular-shared",
from gantt-vanilla-4.0.0-rc-1/gantt-4.0.0-rc-1/examples/angular/

"bryntum-schedulerpro": "file:./purchased_modules/bryntum-schedulerpro/build",

Post by alex.l »

Hi simiczky,

I tried to repro the issue with gantt.lite.umd.js with our Angular example that uses this file. But it works without errors.
This problem may appear if you missed some place where you import gantt.umd.js. You should use only one of them, you cannot use both. So, be aware to change it to gantt.lite.umd.js in all the places in your project.

Another moment, we recommend to keep our products sources outside of the project folder, in the place invisible to Angular to avoid possible problems. So, it should be like (see double dot):

"bryntum-angular-shared": "file:../purchased_modules/bryntum-angular-shared/_shared/projects/bryntum-angular-shared",

Please let us know if it helped and good luck!

All best,

All the best,

Post by simiczky »

Thx! i try and write if good

Post by fabio.mazza »

Great, please let us know after your test if there is another problems. Thanks

Best regards,

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