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[REACT] recurrence rules not rendering properly

Posted: Fri May 27, 2022 8:22 pm
by mriahi


We are having trouble getting reoccurring events to render properly.

The reoccurrence of events is being done vertically instead of horizontally, keeping the same dates for each new event.

It seems that instead of applying the rule into the future when duplicating the events, it is simply duplicating it exactly as is. From the screenshots you can see that the events are being generated, but not into the future. And when we zoom out, it generates more events, but the start date and end date stay the same, as evidenced by the second screenshot.

// events setup
userPeriods?.results.forEach(i => {
        id: 'period_' + String(,
          i.project_display +
          ' ' +
          (i.phase_display || i.annex_display || '') +
          ' ' +
          (i.description || ''),
        role: i.role_display || '',
        hours_per_day: i.hours_per_day,
        eventColor: i.orguser ? '#0062FF' : '#8B8A93',
        photo: i.orguser_photo || '',
        description: i.description || '',
          i.start_date.length > 0
            ? formatISO(unformatDate(i.start_date), 'yyyy-MM-dd')
            : null,
          i.end_date.length > 0
            ? formatISO(unformatDate(i.end_date), 'yyyy-MM-dd')
            : null,
        recurrenceRule: 'FREQ=WEEKLY;'

// resources setup
usersList?.results.forEach(e => {
      var item = {
        name: e?.display,
        role: e?.role || '',
        imageUrl: e?.photo || ''

// assignments setup
var _assignments = => ({
      resource: e.parentId,

const schedulerConfig = {
  flex: '1 1 50%',
  barMargin: 10,
  hideHeaders: false, // set to false due to toggle
  viewPreset: 'dayAndWeek', //weekAndMonth, year, manyYears
  // maxZoomLevel: 11,
  // minZoomLevel: 1,
  zoomOnMouseWheel: true,
  zoomOnTimeAxisDoubleClick: true,
  eventStyle: 'rounded', // hollow, rounded, dashed, plain, minimal
  eventColor: '#0062FF', //'#0062FF', // "indigo",
  eventLayout: 'stack',
  tickSize: 70,
  rowHeight: 50,
  eventDragSelectFeature: false,
  dependenciesFeature: false, // show/hide deps
  timeRangesFeature: {
    showCurrentTimeLine: true,
    currentDateFormat: 'DD/MM',
    showHeaderElements: true,
    enableResizing: true
  headerZoomFeature: true,
  columnLinesFeature: true,
  eventEditFeature: false,
  cellMenuFeature: false,
  scheduleMenuFeature: false,
  createEventOnDblClick: false,
  eventDragCreateFeature: false,
  panFeature: true, // incompatible with eventDragCreateFeature
  cellEditFeature: false,
  sortFeature: false,
  resourceTimeRangesFeature: true,
  percentBarFeature: {
    disabled: false,
    allowResize: false,
    showPercentage: true
  nonWorkingTimeFeature: true,
  resourceNonWorkingTimeFeature: true,
  enableRecurringEvents: true,
  scheduleTooltipFeature: false,
  // groupFeature: 'role',
  columns: [
    // { type : 'resourceCollapse' },
      type: 'resourceInfo',
      text: ' ',
      field: 'name',
      width: '12em',
      htmlEncode: false,
      renderer: ({ record }) =>
          <div class="b-resource-info" role="presentation">
                ? `<img class="b-resource-avatar b-resource-image" src="${record.imageUrl}" role="presentation">`
                : ` 
                	<div class="scheduler-avatar">
      editor: {
        type: 'combo',
        // items: Scheduler.eventColors,
        editable: false,
        listItemTpl: item =>
          `<div class="color-box b-sch-${item.value}"></div><div>${item.value}</div>`
  eventRenderer({ renderData, eventRecord }) {
    renderData.iconCls = eventRecord.isRecurring
      ? 'b-fa b-fa-star'
      : eventRecord.isOccurrence
      ? 'b-fa b-fa-sync'
      : 'b-fa b-fa-calendar'
    return `${}`

  eventMenuFeature: false

Re: [REACT] recurrence rules not rendering properly

Posted: Mon May 30, 2022 8:48 am
by alex.l

Hi mriahi,

We need a runnable test case to check that, with data sample to reproduce it. Could you please prepare it for us and attach here?

Re: [REACT] recurrence rules not rendering properly

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2022 6:54 pm
by mriahi


I have attached a case test.

Thank you in advance for your help.


Re: [REACT] recurrence rules not rendering properly

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2022 11:51 am
by alex.l

Thank you for the test case, now it's clear what is the problem.
That happened because we do not support recurring events for SchedulerPro product, it's available only in Scheduler.
We have a feature request here

Re: [REACT] recurrence rules not rendering properly

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2022 9:56 am
by mriahi

Do you know when this will be supported with scheduler pro ?

Re: [REACT] recurrence rules not rendering properly

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2022 11:31 am
by tasnim

We're not sure, maybe by the end of this year. But If you really need this urgently then you can check out our professional services to prioritize that development.

contact here for professional services:

Best regards,

Re: [REACT] recurrence rules not rendering properly

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2022 11:37 am
by mriahi

Is there some sort of 'hack' we can do in the meantime to achieve a similar outcome ?

Re: [REACT] recurrence rules not rendering properly

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2022 12:50 pm
by alex.l

No, it's very complex feature that requires to make changes in Scheduling Engine. Scheduler doesn't use Scheduling Engine, but SchedulerPro does. That cannot be achieved by some simple patch, unfortunately.