Our pure JavaScript Scheduler component

Post by hoangnd »

I'm implementing the Bryntum Scheduler for our project with a filter panel on the right side and when choosing some filter value, it'll recharge the Bryntum scheduler based on the data received from backend. But for some filter value, I received the data from backend and after that I got error from Bryntum.

TypeError: _ref2.getTime is not a function
at ClassDefEx.get (TimeSpan.js:431:1)
at Object.isTimeSpanInAxis (TimeAxis.js:1043:1)
at HorizontalRendering.js:1325:1
at Array.reduce (<anonymous>)
at Object.layoutResourceEvents (HorizontalRendering.js:1323:1)
at Object.renderer (HorizontalRendering.js:1497:1)
at Object.internalRenderer (TimeAxisColumn.js:277:1)
at Object.renderCell (Row.js:682:1)
at Object.render (Row.js:557:1)
at Object.renderRows (RowManager.js:846:1)

The weird thing is that when I refresh the page (with exactly the same data) and it's good, no crash anymore.
Thanks a lot and wish you have a good day.
Best Regards,
HOANG Cung Phuc,
Netdevices, 75015, Paris.

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Post by mats »

Can you please also share your JS code how to configure our component?

Post by hoangnd »

Yes of course. Here is the implementation of bryntum scheduler component.

      // Check scheduler features here. Because we are in their React component, they have to be called with --feature https://bryntum.com/docs/scheduler/guide/Scheduler/integration/react/guide#features
// Data resources={resources} events={events} dependencies={dependencies} timeRanges = {milestones} // Project Limits startDate={addMonths(project.startDate, -1 * projectLimitsMargin)} endDate={addMonths(project.endDate, projectLimitsMargin)} // Ref for it to be accessible as a js object everywhere ref={schedulerRef} // all static configs {...bryntumConfig} // all configs that need to be passed in a function columns={columnsMaker(schedulerRef)} eventRenderer={eventRendererMaker(schedulerRef)} eventTooltipFeature={{ ...bryntumConfig.eventTooltip, template: (data) => tooltipMaker(data.eventRecord.originalData, events, resources), }} />

Post by alex.l »

Hi hoangnd,

I am afraid we cannot get any extra information by this code fragment. I see nothing about filter panel and its logic.
Please attach a runnable test case and steps to reproduce the problem, it will be faster to just debug your app and find the cause.

Thank you!

All the best,

Post by hoangnd »

Hello, because of some privacy of project, I'll send a zip file of our source code via mail for Mats (we are from Netdevices company with Pierre in Paris).

Post by alex.l »

Hi hoangnd,

I checked your app, it doesn't work to me even if I removed Scheduler component at all. I see infinite reloading and it never goes further than "Loading data" screen. I see infinite redirecting/reloading and router errors in console.
It would be great if you fix that to make possible for us to help you and debug problems with our components.

You can email us to support[at]bryntum with new link to your application.

Thanks a lot!

All the best,

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