Our pure JavaScript Scheduler component

Post by braincept »

Hi there

We would like to set the dateformat for weekday and time in the sidebar of the vertical scheduler. We have not been able to find this option in the Angular7 version.
Bildschirmfoto 2019-10-11 um 16.09.13.png
Bildschirmfoto 2019-10-11 um 16.09.13.png (18.94 KiB) Viewed 2041 times

Post by saki »

The format should come from viewPreset. See ViewPreset and look for dateFormat please.

Post by braincept »

Hi Saki, We are using schedulerLocale to set the configuration of presetManager. We are using two files 1) scheduler.locale.En.js and 2) scheduler.locale.De.js

Locale DE is working perfectly but Locale EN is not working.

Below is the En locale file

Bryntum Scheduler (TRIAL VERSION) 2.2.5
Copyright(c) 2019 Bryntum AB

! function (e, n) {
    "object" == typeof exports && "object" == typeof module ? module.exports = n() : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define("En", [], n) : "object" == typeof exports ? exports.En = n() : (e.bryntum = e.bryntum || {}, e.bryntum.locales = e.bryntum.locales || {}, e.bryntum.locales.En = n())
}(window, function () {
    return function (e) {
        var n = {};

        function t(o) {
            if (n[o]) return n[o].exports;
            var r = n[o] = {
                i: o,
                l: !1,
                exports: {}
            return e[o].call(r.exports, r, r.exports, t), r.l = !0, r.exports
        return t.m = e, t.c = n, t.d = function (e, n, o) {
            t.o(e, n) || Object.defineProperty(e, n, {
                enumerable: !0,
                get: o
        }, t.r = function (e) {
            "undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.toStringTag && Object.defineProperty(e, Symbol.toStringTag, {
                value: "Module"
            }), Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", {
                value: !0
        }, t.t = function (e, n) {
            if (1 & n && (e = t(e)), 8 & n) return e;
            if (4 & n && "object" == typeof e && e && e.__esModule) return e;
            var o = Object.create(null);
            if (t.r(o), Object.defineProperty(o, "default", {
                enumerable: !0,
                value: e
            }), 2 & n && "string" != typeof e)
                for (var r in e) t.d(o, r, function (n) {
                    return e[n]
                }.bind(null, r));
            return o
        }, t.n = function (e) {
            var n = e && e.__esModule ? function () {
                return e.default
            } : function () {
                return e
            return t.d(n, "a", n), n
        }, t.o = function (e, n) {
            return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, n)
        }, t.p = "", t(t.s = 6)
        6: function (e, n, t) {
            "use strict";
            var o = {
                localeName: "En",
                localeDesc: "English",
                TemplateColumn: {
                    noTemplate: "TemplateColumn needs a template",
                    noFunction: "TemplateColumn.template must be a function"
                ColumnStore: {
                    columnTypeNotFound: function (e) {
                        return "Column type '".concat(e.type, "' not registered")
                InstancePlugin: {
                    fnMissing: function (e) {
                        return "Trying to chain fn ".concat(e.plugIntoName, "#").concat(e.fnName, ", but plugin fn ").concat(e.pluginName, "#").concat(e.fnName, " does not exist")
                    overrideFnMissing: function (e) {
                        return "Trying to override fn ".concat(e.plugIntoName, "#").concat(e.fnName, ", but plugin fn ").concat(e.pluginName, "#").concat(e.fnName, " does not exist")
                ColumnPicker: {
                    columnsMenu: "Columns",
                    hideColumn: "Hide column",
                    hideColumnShort: "Hide"
                Filter: {
                    applyFilter: "Apply filter",
                    filter: "Filter",
                    editFilter: "Edit filter",
                    on: "On",
                    before: "Before",
                    after: "After",
                    equals: "Equals",
                    lessThan: "Less than",
                    moreThan: "More than",
                    removeFilter: "Remove filter"
                FilterBar: {
                    enableFilterBar: "Show filter bar",
                    disableFilterBar: "Hide filter bar"
                Group: {
                    groupAscending: "Group ascending",
                    groupDescending: "Group descending",
                    groupAscendingShort: "Ascending",
                    groupDescendingShort: "Descending",
                    stopGrouping: "Stop grouping",
                    stopGroupingShort: "Stop"
                Search: {
                    searchForValue: "Search for value"
                Sort: {
                    sortAscending: "Sort ascending",
                    sortDescending: "Sort descending",
                    multiSort: "Multi sort",
                    removeSorter: "Remove sorter",
                    addSortAscending: "Add ascending sorter",
                    addSortDescending: "Add descending sorter",
                    toggleSortAscending: "Change to ascending",
                    toggleSortDescending: "Change to descending",
                    sortAscendingShort: "Ascending",
                    sortDescendingShort: "Descending",
                    removeSorterShort: "Remove",
                    addSortAscendingShort: "+ Ascending",
                    addSortDescendingShort: "+ Descending"
                Tree: {
                    noTreeColumn: "To use the tree feature one column must be configured with tree: true"
                Grid: {
                    featureNotFound: function (e) {
                        return "Feature '".concat(e, "' not available, make sure you have imported it")
                    invalidFeatureNameFormat: function (e) {
                        return "Invalid feature name '".concat(e, "', must start with a lowercase letter")
                    removeRow: "Delete row",
                    removeRows: "Delete rows",
                    loadMask: "Loading...",
                    loadFailedMessage: "Data loading failed.",
                    moveColumnLeft: "Move to left section",
                    moveColumnRight: "Move to right section",
                    noRows: "No rows to display"
                Field: {
                    invalidValue: "Invalid field value",
                    minimumValueViolation: "Minimum value violation",
                    maximumValueViolation: "Maximum value violation",
                    fieldRequired: "This field is required",
                    validateFilter: "Value must be selected from the list"
                DateField: {
                    invalidDate: "Invalid date input"
                TimeField: {
                    invalidTime: "Invalid time input"
                DateHelper: {
                    locale: "en-US",
                    shortWeek: "W",
                    shortQuarter: "q",
                    week: "Week",
                    weekStartDay: 0,
                    unitNames: [{
                        single: "millisecond",
                        plural: "ms",
                        abbrev: "ms"
                    }, {
                        single: "second",
                        plural: "seconds",
                        abbrev: "s"
                    }, {
                        single: "minute",
                        plural: "minutes",
                        abbrev: "min"
                    }, {
                        single: "hour",
                        plural: "hours",
                        abbrev: "h"
                    }, {
                        single: "day",
                        plural: "days",
                        abbrev: "d"
                    }, {
                        single: "week",
                        plural: "weeks",
                        abbrev: "w"
                    }, {
                        single: "month",
                        plural: "months",
                        abbrev: "mon"
                    }, {
                        single: "quarter",
                        plural: "quarters",
                        abbrev: "q"
                    }, {
                        single: "year",
                        plural: "years",
                        abbrev: "yr"
                    unitAbbreviations: [
                        ["s", "sec"],
                        ["m", "min"],
                        ["h", "hr"],
                        ["w", "wk"],
                        ["mo", "mon", "mnt"],
                        ["q", "quar", "qrt"],
                        ["y", "yr"]
                    parsers: {
                        L: "MM/DD/YYYY",
                        LT: "HH:mm A"
                    ordinalSuffix: function (e) {
                        return e + ({
                            1: "st",
                            2: "nd",
                            3: "rd"
                        }[e[e.length - 1]] || "th")
                BooleanCombo: {
                    Yes: "Yes",
                    No: "No"
                r = {
                    ExcelExporter: {
                        "No resource assigned": "No resource assigned"
                    ResourceInfoColumn: {
                        eventCountText: function (e) {
                            return e + " event" + (1 !== e ? "s" : "")
                    Dependencies: {
                        from: "From",
                        to: "To",
                        valid: "Valid",
                        invalid: "Invalid",
                        Checking: "Checking…"
                    DependencyEdit: {
                        From: "From",
                        To: "To",
                        Type: "Type",
                        Lag: "Lag",
                        "Edit dependency": "Edit dependency",
                        Save: "Save",
                        Delete: "Delete",
                        Cancel: "Cancel",
                        StartToStart: "Start to Start",
                        StartToEnd: "Start to End",
                        EndToStart: "End to Start",
                        EndToEnd: "End to End"
                    EventEdit: {
                        Name: "Name",
                        Resource: "Resource",
                        Start: "Start",
                        End: "End",
                        Save: "Save",
                        Delete: "Delete",
                        Cancel: "Cancel",
                        "Edit Event": "Edit event"
                    Scheduler: {
                        "Add event": "Add event",
                        "Delete event": "Delete event",
                        "Unassign event": "Unassign event"
                    HeaderContextMenu: {
                        pickZoomLevel: "Zoom",
                        activeDateRange: "Date range",
                        startText: "Start date",
                        endText: "End date",
                        todayText: "Today"
                    EventFilter: {
                        filterEvents: "Filter tasks",
                        byName: "By name"
                    TimeRanges: {
                        showCurrentTimeLine: "Show current timeline"
                    PresetManager: {
                        minuteAndHour: {
                            topDateFormat: "ddd MM/DD, hA"
                        hourAndDay: {
                            // topDateFormat: 'ddd DD.MM',
                            headerConfig: {         // This defines your header, you must include a 'middle' object, and top/bottom are optional.
                                middle: {                    // For each row you can define 'unit', 'increment', 'dateFormat', 'renderer', 'align', and 'thisObj'
                                    unit: 'hour',
                                    dateFormat: 'HH:mm'
                                top: {
                                    unit: 'day',
                                    dateFormat: 'ddd DD.MM'
                        weekAndDay: {
                            displayDateFormat: "hh:mm A"
            for (var a in o) r[a] = o[a];
            n.default = r
another file is DE locale.
! function (e, n) {
  "object" == typeof exports && "object" == typeof module ? module.exports = n() : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define("De", [], n) : "object" == typeof exports ? exports.De = n() : (e.bryntum = e.bryntum || {}, e.bryntum.locales = e.bryntum.locales || {}, e.bryntum.locales.De = n())
}(window, function () {
  return function (e) {
    var n = {};

    function t(o) {
      if (n[o]) return n[o].exports;
      var r = n[o] = {
        i: o,
        l: !1,
        exports: {}
      return e[o].call(r.exports, r, r.exports, t), r.l = !0, r.exports
    return t.m = e, t.c = n, t.d = function (e, n, o) {
      t.o(e, n) || Object.defineProperty(e, n, {
        enumerable: !0,
        get: o
    }, t.r = function (e) {
      "undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.toStringTag && Object.defineProperty(e, Symbol.toStringTag, {
        value: "Module"
      }), Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", {
        value: !0
    }, t.t = function (e, n) {
      if (1 & n && (e = t(e)), 8 & n) return e;
      if (4 & n && "object" == typeof e && e && e.__esModule) return e;
      var o = Object.create(null);
      if (t.r(o), Object.defineProperty(o, "default", {
        enumerable: !0,
        value: e
      }), 2 & n && "string" != typeof e)
        for (var r in e) t.d(o, r, function (n) {
          return e[n]
        }.bind(null, r));
      return o
    }, t.n = function (e) {
      var n = e && e.__esModule ? function () {
        return e.default
      } : function () {
        return e
      return t.d(n, "a", n), n
    }, t.o = function (e, n) {
      return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, n)
    }, t.p = "", t(t.s = 6)
    6: function (e, n, t) {
      "use strict";
      var o = {
        localeName: "De",
        localeDesc: "German",
        TemplateColumn: {
          noTemplate: 'TemplateColumn braucht eine template',
          noFunction: 'TemplateColumn.template muss eine funktion sein'
        ColumnStore: {
          columnTypeNotFound: function (e) {
            return 'Spalte typ ' + data.type + 'nicht registriert';
        InstancePlugin: {
          fnMissing: function (e) {
            return "Trying to chain fn ".concat(e.plugIntoName, "#").concat(e.fnName, ", but plugin fn ").concat(e.pluginName, "#").concat(e.fnName, " does not exist")
          overrideFnMissing: function (e) {
            return "Trying to override fn ".concat(e.plugIntoName, "#").concat(e.fnName, ", but plugin fn ").concat(e.pluginName, "#").concat(e.fnName, " does not exist")
        ColumnPicker: {
          columnsMenu: 'Spalten',
          hideColumn: 'Versteck spalte',
          hideColumnShort: 'Versteck'
        Filter: {
          applyFilter: 'Filter anwenden',
          filter: 'Filter',
          editFilter: 'Filter redigieren',
          on: 'Auf',
          before: 'Vor',
          after: 'Nach',
          equals: 'Gleichen',
          lessThan: 'Weniger als',
          moreThan: 'Mehr als',
          removeFilter: 'Filter entfernen'
        FilterBar: {
          enableFilterBar: 'Filterleiste anzeigen',
          disableFilterBar: 'Filterleiste ausblenden'
        Group: {
          groupAscending: 'Aufsteigend gruppieren',
          groupDescending: 'Absteigend gruppieren',
          groupAscendingShort: 'Aufsteigend',
          groupDescendingShort: 'Absteigend',
          stopGrouping: 'Stoppen gruppierung',
          stopGroupingShort: 'Stoppen'
        Search: {
          searchForValue: 'Suche nach Wert'
        Sort: {
          'sortAscending': 'Aufsteigend sortierung',
          'sortDescending': 'Absteigend sortierung',
          'multiSort': 'Multi sortieren',
          'removeSorter': 'Sortierung entfernen',
          'addSortAscending': 'Aufsteigend sortieren hinzufügen',
          'addSortDescending': 'Absteigend sortieren hinzufügen',
          'toggleSortAscending': 'Ändern Sie auf aufsteigend',
          'toggleSortDescending': 'Zu absteigend wechseln',
          'sortAscendingShort': 'Aufsteigend',
          'sortDescendingShort': 'Absteigend',
          'removeSorterShort': 'Entfernen',
          'addSortAscendingShort': '+ Aufsteigend',
          'addSortDescendingShort': '+ Absteigend'
        Tree: {
          noTreeColumn: "To use the tree feature one column must be configured with tree: true"
        Grid: {
          featureNotFound: function (data) {
            return 'Feature "' + data + '" not available, make sure you have imported it';
          invalidFeatureNameFormat: function (data) {
            return 'Invalid feature name "' + data + '", must start with a lowercase letter';
          removeRow: 'Zeile löschen',
          removeRows: 'Zeilen löschen',
          loadMask: 'Laden...',
          loadFailedMessage: 'Wird geladen, bitte versuche es erneut',
          moveColumnLeft: 'Bewegen Sie sich zum linken Bereich',
          moveColumnRight: 'Bewegen Sie sich nach rechts',
          noRows: 'Keine Zeilen zum Anzeigen'
        Field: {
          invalidValue: 'Ungültiger Feldwert',
          minimumValueViolation: 'Mindestwertverletzung',
          maximumValueViolation: 'Maximalwertverletzung',
          fieldRequired: 'Dieses Feld wird benötigt',
          validateFilter: 'Der Wert muss aus der Liste ausgewählt werden'
        DateField: {
          invalidDate: 'Ungültige Datumseingabe'
        TimeField: {
          invalidTime: 'Ungültige Zeitangabe'
        DateHelper: {
          locale: "de",
          shortWeek: "W",
          shortQuarter: "q",
          week: "Woche",
          weekStartDay: 1,
          unitNames: [
            { single: 'Millisekunde', plural: 'Millisekunden', abbrev: 'ms' },
            { single: 'Sekunde', plural: 'Sekunden', abbrev: 's' },
            { single: 'Minute', plural: 'Minuten', abbrev: 'min' },
            { single: 'Stunde', plural: 'Stunden', abbrev: 'std' },
            { single: 'Tag', plural: 'Tage', abbrev: 't' },
            { single: 'Woche', plural: 'Wochen', abbrev: 'W' },
            { single: 'Monat', plural: 'Monathe', abbrev: 'mon' },
            { single: 'Quartal', plural: 'Quartal', abbrev: 'Q' },
            { single: 'Jahr', plural: 'Jahre', abbrev: 'jahr' }
          unitAbbreviations: [
            ['s', 'sec'],
            ['m', 'min'],
            ['h', 'hr'],
            ['w', 'wk'],
            ['mo', 'mon', 'mnt'],
            ['q', 'quar', 'qrt'],
            ['y', 'yr']
          parsers: {
            'L': 'DD.MM.YYYY',
            'LT': 'HH:mm'
          ordinalSuffix: function (e) {
            return e + ({
              1: "st",
              2: "nd",
              3: "rd"
            }[e[e.length - 1]] || "th")
        BooleanCombo: {
          'Yes': 'Ja',
          'No': 'Nein'
        r = {
          ExcelExporter: {
            'No resource assigned': 'Keine Ressource zugewiesen'
          ResourceInfoColumn: {
            eventCountText: function (e) {
              return e + " Veranstaltung" + (1 !== e ? "de" : "")
          Dependencies: {
            from: 'Von',
            to: 'Zo',
            valid: 'Gültig',
            invalid: 'Ungültig',
            Checking: 'Überprüfung ...'
          DependencyEdit: {
            From: 'Von',
            To: 'Zu',
            Type: 'Typ',
            Lag: 'Verzögern',
            'Edit dependency': 'Abhängigkeit bearbeiten',
            Save: 'Speichern',
            Delete: 'Löschen',
            Cancel: 'Abbrechen',
            StartToStart: 'Anfang-Anfang',
            StartToEnd: 'Anfang-Ende',
            EndToStart: 'Ende-Anfang',
            EndToEnd: 'Ende-Ende'
          EventEdit: {
            Name: 'Name',
            Resource: 'Ressource',
            Start: 'Start',
            End: 'Ende',
            Save: 'Speichern',
            Delete: 'Löschen',
            Cancel: 'Abbrechen',
            'Edit Event': 'Buchung redigieren'
          Scheduler: {
            'Add event': 'Ereignis hinzufügen',
            'Delete event': 'Buchung löschen',
            'Unassign event': 'Ereignis nicht zuordnen'
          HeaderContextMenu: {
            pickZoomLevel: 'Zoomen',
            activeDateRange: 'Datumsbereich',
            startText: 'Anfangsdatum',
            endText: 'Endtermin',
            todayText: 'Heute'
          EventFilter: {
            filterEvents: 'Aufgaben filtern',
            byName: 'Namentlich'
          TimeRanges: {
            showCurrentTimeLine: 'Aktuelle Zeitleiste anzeigen'
          PresetManager: {
            minuteAndHour: {
              topDateFormat: 'ddd DD.MM, HH:mm'
            hourAndDay: {
              topDateFormat: 'ddd DD.MM',
              headerConfig: {         // This defines your header, you must include a 'middle' object, and top/bottom are optional.
                middle: {                    // For each row you can define 'unit', 'increment', 'dateFormat', 'renderer', 'align', and 'thisObj'
                  unit: 'hour',
                  dateFormat: 'HH:mm'
                top: {
                  unit: 'day',
                  dateFormat: 'ddd DD.MM'
            weekAndDay: {
              displayDateFormat: 'HH:mm'
      for (var a in o) r[a] = o[a];
      n.default = r

After debugging, I found one more thing -> HeaderConfig is not working in En Locale. If I use 'topDateFormat' then I am able to see the changes but headerConfig changes I am unable to see.

Please help.

Post by Maxim Gorkovsky »

Please see this guide on localizing view presets. MinuteAndHour is localized properly, as I see, but hourAndDay is not.

Post by braincept »

Hi Maxim, I am unable to see HeaderConfig in this documentation -> https://bryntum.com/docs/scheduler/#guides/customization/localization.md

Post by Maxim Gorkovsky »

That is correct, locales are only supposed to be applied to date format and mentioned guide shows code snippet to localize date format for a view preset headers.

If you want your presets to differ more between locales, e.g. different time resolution or even different headers configuration, default locales won't help. You would need to register all required locales first and on apply them when locale is changed.

Post by braincept »

Hi Maxim, yeah I think I am registering all locales. Below is the code I am using to registering the locales. Please have a look
import EnLocale from 'bryntum-scheduler/locales/scheduler.locale.En.js';
import DeLocale from 'bryntum-scheduler/locales/scheduler.locale.De.js';

import { LocaleManager } from 'bryntum-scheduler/scheduler.umd.js';

// register locales
LocaleManager.registerLocale('En', { locale: EnLocale });
LocaleManager.registerLocale('De', { locale: DeLocale });
and below is the code of component to change the locale
applySchedulerLocale(schedulerLocale: string): void {
    const localeManager: LocaleManager = this.scheduler.schedulerEngine.localeManager;

    // console.log('localeManager ', localeManager);

    switch (schedulerLocale) {
      case 'fr':
        localeManager.locale = 'Fr';

      case 'it':
        localeManager.locale = 'It';

      case 'de':
        localeManager.locale = 'De';

        localeManager.locale = 'En';

Post by Maxim Gorkovsky »

Code registering locales look fine. Is there any problem with it?

Please keep in mind that locales can only handle date format in preset headers, as described in the guide above, nothing more.

Post by braincept »

Yes, Maxin. In our case, DateFormat is not working which we have set in headerConfig that is the major issue which we are facing.

For German locale, headerConfig is working but for English locale, headerConfig is not working.

Post by Maxim Gorkovsky »

I see you are providing incorrect localization:
PresetManager: {
                        minuteAndHour: {
                            topDateFormat: "ddd MM/DD, hA"
                        hourAndDay: {
                            // topDateFormat: 'ddd DD.MM',
                            headerConfig: {         // This defines your header, you must include a 'middle' object, and top/bottom are optional.
                                middle: {                    // For each row you can define 'unit', 'increment', 'dateFormat', 'renderer', 'align', and 'thisObj'
                                    unit: 'hour',
                                    dateFormat: 'HH:mm'
                                top: {
                                    unit: 'day',
                                    dateFormat: 'ddd DD.MM'
                        weekAndDay: {
                            displayDateFormat: "hh:mm A"
this is not how it is descibed in the localization guide.

This is a code snippet from the guide, please look and adjust your locales accordingly, removing all previous incorrect localization code.
PresetManager : {
        // Translation for the "weekAndDay" ViewPreset
        weekAndDay : {
            // Date format used by tooltips etc.
            displayDateFormat : 'll hh:mm A',
            // Change the date format for the middle and top levels
            topDateFormat: 'MMM',
            middleDateFormat : 'D'

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