Our pure JavaScript Scheduler component

Post by dennisli »

After upgrading from v4.0.6 to v4.0.8 of bryntum, I occasionally get the following error: TypeError: me.nextAnimationFrame is not a function. This seems to happen when I destory the schedule engine before it even has a chance to render (I use bryntum with react and this can happen from various prop changes)

Disabling visibleDate in the scheduler config "fixes" this (As a fix, I use an event listener on load that checks to see if the scheduler is not destroyed first)

This happens in TimelineScroll.js:94

me {
    isDestroying: true,
    isDestroyed: true,
    destroy: ƒ,

Stack trace:

http: //localhost/static/js/0.chunk.js:355614:15
    355611 |
    355612 | await me.timeAxisSubGrid.scrollable.scrollIntoView(target,
    ); // Horizontal scroll is triggered on next frame in SubGrid.js, view is not up to date yet. Resolve on next frame
355613 |
    355614 |
    return me.nextAnimationFrame(); |
355615 |
} //endregion
355616 | //region Relative scrolling
    355617 |
// These methods are important to users because although they are mixed into the top level Grid/Scheduler,

Post by mats »

We'll look into this, thanks for reporting! https://github.com/bryntum/support/issues/2480

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