Our blazing fast Grid component built with pure JavaScript

Post by henrique »

I'm trying to understand how updating fields when they're inside a container works.

Below I put my test code, but the fields are not updated, no matter how I do the assignment within the click of the button.

What am I doing wrong?

class Person extends Model 
   static get fields() 
      return [{ name: "Name" }];

class Order extends Model {
   static get fields() {
      return [
         { name: "OrderId", type: "int" },
         { name: "Buyer", type: "object" },
         { name: "BuyerName", type: "string", dataSource: "Buyer.Name"}

let person = new Person({ Name: "A Person" });

let newPerson = new Person({ Name: "Another Person" });

let order = new Order({ OrderId: 123, Buyer: person });

let store = new Store({
   data: [order],
   modelClass: Order

let orderIdField = new TextField({
   width: 200,
   label: "Order Id",
   icon: "b-fa b-fa-plug",
   style: "margin-right: .5em",
   name: "OrderId"

let personNameField = new TextField({
   width: 200,
   label: "Customer name",
   icon: "b-fa b-fa-plug",
   style: "margin-right: .5em",
   name: "BuyerName"

let button = new Button({
   text: "Button",
   onClick: function () {
      store.first.Buyer = newPerson;
      store.first.OrderId = 5555;
console.log(store.first); console.log(order); } }); let myContainer = new Container({ appendTo: document.body, items: [orderIdField, personNameField, button] }); myContainer.record = store.first;

Post by Animal »

Container does not listen for its record's Store's change event.

Maybe it should. Worth a Feature Request...

Post by Animal »

Post by henrique »

Any suggestions for a workaround?

Post by Animal »

Subclass Container.

Add an option to its configurable called store.

The updateStore(store, oldStore) implementation should then add a change listener to the incoming Store (and remove the listener from any outgoing old store)

In its updateRecord(record, oldRecord) implementation, set the store of the container to the incoming record's store (After the super call).

The change listener in your Container subclass:

// When our record's Store triggers a change event, then if it's on our record
// update our child item values.
onStoreChange({ record })
    if (record === this.record) {

Just a suggestion, YMMV, happy hacking!

Post by Animal »

Due to our config system, resetting the Container's record to what it already is won't have any effect.

A configurable config, checks the incoming value against the current value, and if they are the same, no further action is taken.

setValues(record) is the way to update child items' values.

Post by Animal »

In fact we discovered that setting the record does work. The Container class specially bypasses the config system's "no change" checking so that if a record gets mutated it can be sent in again, and the child items will get updated.

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