Our blazing fast Grid component built with pure JavaScript

Post by gregc »

It will take some time to demonstrate it but it appears that if you
1) create an ajax store
2) create a filter predefined with an initial filter value in the configuration

it will make a call to the remote URL twice, first without the filter, then with the filter applied.
this causes issues as the results may not come back in order.

Post by mats »

Please post your store definition here so we can see it. I see just one load request for:

store = new AjaxStore({
                readUrl         : 'url',
                filterParamName : 'foo',
                autoLoad        : true,
                filters         : {
                    property : 'type',
                    value    : 2

Post by gregc »

The store is

     store : { 
        readUrl : 'Welcome.do?crud=r&actionRefId=922&orgId=1753028&activeInd=1',   
createUrl : 'Welcome.do?crud=c&actionRefId=922&orgId=1753028&activeInd=1',
updateUrl : 'Welcome.do?crud=u&actionRefId=922&orgId=1753028&activeInd=1',
deleteUrl : 'Welcome.do?crud=d&actionRefId=922&orgId=1753028&activeInd=1', pageParamName : 'page', pageSize : 100, filterParamName : 'filter', sortParamName : 'sort', autoLoad : true, autoCommit: true

Here you can see the two calls:
Here is the full grid definition when it generates two calls, and I have a predefined filter

grid = new Grid({ 
    appendTo : 'myGrid0', 
fixedRowHeight : false 
 , bbar : { 
        type : 'pagingtoolbar' 
    , features : { 
filter: [ { property : 'f4', value : ['2234144'] } , { property : 'f1', value : ['9312876'] } ], group : false, excelExporter : true, cellTooltip : { hoverDelay : 30, textContent : true } , cellEdit : true , headerMenu : { items : { exportItem : { text: 'Export to Excel', weight : 15, onItem : excelexport}, viewInactiveItem : { text: 'View Inactive Issues', weight : 0, onItem : rightclickurl, urlParams : 'activeInd=0', actionRefId: 921 } } }, cellMenu : { items : { removeRow : false, headerItem : { text: 'Edit Issue', weight: 15, onItem : rightclickitem, actionRefId: 923} }, processItems({ items, record, column }) { for (var key in items) { var item = items[key]; if (item.text && item.text.includes("quals")) { item.hidden = true; } if (grid && grid.selectedRecords && grid.selectedRecords.length > 1) { if (item.text && item.text.includes("Copy")) { item.hidden = true; } if (item.text && item.text.includes("Edit")) { item.hidden = true; } } } }, } }, store : { readUrl : 'Welcome.do?crud=r&actionRefId=922&orgId=1753028&activeInd=1&statusRefId=2234144&projectId=9312876&', createUrl : 'Welcome.do?crud=c&actionRefId=922&orgId=1753028&activeInd=1&statusRefId=2234144&projectId=9312876&', updateUrl : 'Welcome.do?crud=u&actionRefId=922&orgId=1753028&activeInd=1&statusRefId=2234144&projectId=9312876&', deleteUrl : 'Welcome.do?crud=d&actionRefId=922&orgId=1753028&activeInd=1&statusRefId=2234144&projectId=9312876&', pageParamName : 'page', pageSize : 100, filterParamName : 'filter', sortParamName : 'sort', autoLoad : true, autoCommit: true }, columns : [ {text: 'id', field: 'f0', resizable: true , sortable: false , filterable: false , hidden: true , editor: false , autoHeight:true , type: 'number', format: '9' }, {text: 'Project', field: 'f1', resizable: true , sortable: true , filterable: { filterField : { valueField : 'refId', displayField : 'display', type : 'combo', multiSelect : true, items : [{ refId : '', display : '' }, { refId : '1753700', display : 'Current State' }, { refId : '9312876', display : 'Cerner upgrade' }, { refId : '11768813', display : 'Enrollment 20201' }, { refId : '3802743', display : 'Roll-out' }] } }, editor: { valueField : 'refId', displayField : 'display', type : 'combo', items : [{ refId : '', display : '' }, { refId : '1753700', display : 'Current State' }, { refId : '9312876', display : 'Cerner upgrade' }, { refId : '11768813', display : 'Enrollment 20201' }, { refId : '3802743', display : 'Roll-out' }]
}, renderer : ({ value, column }) => column.editor.store.getById(value)?.get('display'), autoHeight:true }, {text: 'Date', field: 'f2', resizable: true , sortable: true , filterable: false , editor: false , autoHeight:true }, {text: 'Issue Nbr', field: 'f3', resizable: true , sortable: true , filterable: true , editor: false , autoHeight:true }, {text: 'Status', field: 'f4', resizable: true , sortable: true , filterType: 'text' , filterable: { filterField : { valueField : 'refId', displayField : 'display', type : 'combo', multiSelect : true, items : [{ refId : '0', display : '' }, { refId : '2234144', display : 'Assigned' }, { refId : '12164753', display : 'CAB Approved' }, { refId : '2234149', display : 'Cancelled' }, { refId : '2234148', display : 'Closed' }, { refId : '2234145', display : 'In Process' }, { refId : '2234146', display : 'On Hold' }, { refId : '2234143', display : 'Open' }, { refId : '12164748', display : 'Pending CAB' }, { refId : '2234147', display : 'Resolved' }] } }, editor: { type : 'combo', valueField : 'refId', displayField : 'display', items : [{ refId : '0', display : '' }, { refId : '2234144', display : 'Assigned' }, { refId : '12164753', display : 'CAB Approved' }, { refId : '2234149', display : 'Cancelled' }, { refId : '2234148', display : 'Closed' }, { refId : '2234145', display : 'In Process' }, { refId : '2234146', display : 'On Hold' }, { refId : '2234143', display : 'Open' }, { refId : '12164748', display : 'Pending CAB' }, { refId : '2234147', display : 'Resolved' }] }, renderer : ({ value, column }) => column.editor.store.getById(value)?.get('display'), autoHeight:true },

Here is the grid which is fine, and is without the filter

grid = new Grid({ 
    appendTo : 'myGrid0', 
fixedRowHeight : false 
 , bbar : { 
        type : 'pagingtoolbar' 
    , features : { 
       filter: true,   group : false,            excelExporter : true,      cellTooltip : { 
            hoverDelay      : 30, 
           textContent     : true 
  , cellEdit : true 
		 ,  headerMenu : { 
             items : { 
                 exportItem : { text: 'Export to Excel', weight : 15, onItem : excelexport}, 
                 viewInactiveItem : { text: 'View Inactive Issues', weight :  0,  						onItem : rightclickurl,  						urlParams : 'activeInd=0', 							actionRefId: 921  } 
		cellMenu : { 
 items : { 
	         removeRow : false, 
		headerItem : { text: 'Edit Issue', weight: 15, onItem : rightclickitem,  actionRefId: 923} 
	  },   processItems({ items, record, column }) { 
			for (var key in items) { 
					var item = items[key]; 
					if (item.text && item.text.includes("quals")) { 
                    	item.hidden = true; 
  if (grid && grid.selectedRecords && grid.selectedRecords.length > 1) {
						if (item.text && item.text.includes("Copy")) { 
                     	item.hidden = true; 
						if (item.text && item.text.includes("Edit")) { 
                     	item.hidden = true; 
 	 },		} 
 store : { 
    readUrl : 'Welcome.do?crud=r&actionRefId=922&orgId=1753028&activeInd=1&statusRefId=2234144&executionId=12371259&',   
    createUrl : 'Welcome.do?crud=c&actionRefId=922&orgId=1753028&activeInd=1&statusRefId=2234144&executionId=12371259&',   
    updateUrl : 'Welcome.do?crud=u&actionRefId=922&orgId=1753028&activeInd=1&statusRefId=2234144&executionId=12371259&',   
    deleteUrl : 'Welcome.do?crud=d&actionRefId=922&orgId=1753028&activeInd=1&statusRefId=2234144&executionId=12371259&',     pageParamName   : 'page', 
pageSize        : 100, 
filterParamName : 'filter', 
sortParamName   : 'sort', 
    autoLoad : true, 
    autoCommit: true  
 columns : [ 
 {text: 'id',       field: 'f0', resizable: true , sortable: false , filterable: false , hidden: true , editor: false , autoHeight:true , type: 'number', format: '9' },
 {text: 'Project',       field: 'f1', resizable: true , sortable: true , filterable: {             filterField : {                 valueField   : 'refId',                displayField : 'display', 
                type  : 'combo',                 multiSelect  : true,                    items        : [{ 
            refId : '', 
            display : '' 
        }, { 
            refId : '1753700', 
            display : 'Current State' 
        }, { 
            refId : '9312876', 
            display : 'Cerner upgrade' 
        }, { 
            refId : '11768813', 
            display : 'Enrollment 20201' 
        }, { 
            refId : '3802743', 
            display : 'Roll-out' 
        }]            }         },  editor: { 
        valueField   : 'refId',        displayField : 'display', 
        type         : 'combo', 
        items        : [{ 
            refId : '', 
            display : '' 
        }, { 
            refId : '1753700', 
            display : 'Current State' 
        }, { 
            refId : '9312876', 
            display : 'Cerner upgrade' 
        }, { 
            refId : '11768813', 
            display : 'Enrollment 20201' 
        }, { 
            refId : '3802743', 
            display : 'Roll-out' 
}, renderer : ({ value, column }) => column.editor.store.getById(value)?.get('display'), autoHeight:true }, {text: 'Date', field: 'f2', resizable: true , sortable: true , filterable: false , editor: false , autoHeight:true }, {text: 'Issue Nbr', field: 'f3', resizable: true , sortable: true , filterable: true , editor: false , autoHeight:true }, {text: 'Status', field: 'f4', resizable: true , sortable: true , filterType: 'text' , filterable: { filterField : { valueField : 'refId', displayField : 'display', type : 'combo', multiSelect : true, items : [{ refId : '0', display : '' }, { refId : '2234144', display : 'Assigned' }, { refId : '12164753', display : 'CAB Approved' }, { refId : '2234149', display : 'Cancelled' }, { refId : '2234148', display : 'Closed' }, { refId : '2234145', display : 'In Process' }, { refId : '2234146', display : 'On Hold' }, { refId : '2234143', display : 'Open' }, { refId : '12164748', display : 'Pending CAB' }, { refId : '2234147', display : 'Resolved' }] } }, editor: { type : 'combo', valueField : 'refId', displayField : 'display', items : [{ refId : '0', display : '' }, { refId : '2234144', display : 'Assigned' }, { refId : '12164753', display : 'CAB Approved' }, { refId : '2234149', display : 'Cancelled' }, { refId : '2234148', display : 'Closed' }, { refId : '2234145', display : 'In Process' }, { refId : '2234146', display : 'On Hold' }, { refId : '2234143', display : 'Open' }, { refId : '12164748', display : 'Pending CAB' }, { refId : '2234147', display : 'Resolved' }] },

Post by mats »

You can simply disable autoLoad when you have filters defined to get it working the way you want.

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