Our blazing fast Grid component built with pure JavaScript

Post by bensullivan »


I have a columns array with a column defined as follows:
      field: 'team',
      text: 'Team',
      editor: {
        type: 'dropdown',
        store: this.teamComboStore,
        clearable: true,
        listeners: {
          change: this.teamComboChangeHandler
      renderer: this.teamRenderer,
      draggable: false,
      width: 150,
      locked: true
Are any other listeners supported for dropdowns? I'd like to hook in at a point after the dropdown has been clicked by a user but before the dropdown list has been displayed. I have tried select, click, load and focus but none seem to fire my event handler (this.teamComboChangeHandler).



Post by Maxim Gorkovsky »

Take a look at the combobox docs for full list of events: https://bryntum.com/docs/grid/#Common/widget/Combo#events
You can try 'focusin' event, normally when combo gets focus it gets opened. Try this snippet on the grouping demo:
bryntum.query('combobox').on({ focusin : () => console.log('focusin'), priority : 1 })

Post by bensullivan »

Great - focusin worked - thank you!

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