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Post by jflowers45 »

I have a case where I click to activate a filter and wait on a data store to finish loading before I proceed and the following syntax works well.
 { click : '#filters => .x-menu-item-text' },
      function(next) {
        t.cq1('supplywrgrid').getStore().on('load', function() {
However, to prevent possible race condition in the case of caching, I'd like to use a trigger config, but the following isn't working - it gets stuck with the observable waiting on load, probably because i'm passing a function that returns the store rather than the store itself.
 {     waitFor : 'Event', 
          args    : [ function() {return t.cq1('supplywrgrid').getStore(); }, 'load' ],
          trigger : { click : '#filters => .x-menu-item-text' }
Is there some other syntax I can use? if I wrap a call to t.waitForEvent in a function call I don't know where to place the trigger object.


Post by mats »

                     waitForEvent : function() { return [t.cq1('supplywrgrid').getStore(), 'load']; },
                    trigger : { click : '#filters => .x-menu-item-text' }

Post by jflowers45 »

Worked like a charm. Thanks!

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