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In Gantt example we have general calendar and inside that we have children , how parent is impacting children ? What is concept behind this parent and children in calendars

Hi Thanks project model - We can send with the task we want to edit - the selected task Once we get this We need to show the list of task(Successors which can be assigned to selected task) in Popup ? how we can filter the tasks from project model to show in popup. After that if a task is selected an...
Hi We are planning to have different screens(Popup/ component) for assigning predecessors and successors to a task . Separate Screen for predecessors and successors as we have in task editor different tabs . What needs to be passed to components of predecessors and successors (same way you guys do f...

When i assign multiple resources on single task .

  • how do i know the start and end date for each of assigned resources ?
    how do i know which of the resource assignment is driving the task end date ?


Property 'skipNonWorkingTime' does not exist on type 'CalendarModel'.

Error i am getting

If i select business calendar the starting time is 8:00 AM . This time i was looking for

Hi How can we get start and End Time of particular Calendar . Starting and Ending working Time const calendarID = 'business'; const project = new ProjectModel({ calendarsData: this.calendarsData }); const details = project.calendarManagerStore.getById(calendarID); console.log(details); I tried it bu...

How can i get date and time picker for start date and end date in task editor menu(In General Tab).

Like in examples we create task and give start date and duration , select calendar it changes or give Finish Date .

Hi We have custom dialog box to create task , where user input name 2. calendar drop down (user can select any calendar for that task) 3. schedule Mode (Drop down which user can create) 4. we have start date and duration which which enters and based on this inputs i.e calendar , schedule mode, start...