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The renderer receives as its arguments value, metaData (which can be used for CSS styling) and record.
The eventRenderer method is used for rendering tasks in the right part of the gantt panel (so called scheduling view).
And if you want to customize your left side (so called locked grid) columns you can use normal ExtJS renderer config.
can this be done???
Yes of course. Please take a look at this config: ... adeChanges
>>> g.getSchedulingView().getXYFromDate(new Date(2012,01,01),new Date(2012,01,01))[0]; First of all getXYFromDate is deprecated method please use getCoordinateFromDate instead. getCoordinateFromDate (or deprecated getXYFromDate ) accepts 2 arguments: 1st is date and 2nd is boolean flag (wheter abso...
Please take a look at this template method ... alidatorFn
You can implement there any custom logic so it will do the trick for you. :)
I'm affraid we are not RESTEasy experts here try to ask at their community forums. :)