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Hi I am using predecessorcolumn as a column in ganttchart. I am disabling the editing. But after deleting the tasks, the predecessor value of the below column not getting updated. xtype : "predecessorcolumn", text : "Predecessors", useSequenceNumber : true, width : 75, editor: { ...
Similar thing with the updating of predecessor value.
Its not updating the predecessor value after deleting the tasks
checkbox in resourceassignmentcolumn is not coming and not selecting the assignees, after i updated the bryntum.
If i revert back means also its not working
Thank you
Its not refreshing the gantt, when i resize the window.
Thank you
I tried by adding gantt component, but that didnt work.
It refereshes when any actions takes place on grid(like,when i click on ganttchart seperator ).
Thank you.
I am also having same issue.
Ext.EventManager.on(window, 'resize', function() {
            Ext.getCmp('gant-section').width = 1216;
How to add select all checkbox in header.
Thank yo
How to hide all the tabs in Task information except resource tab
How to change the text of the button in the assignmenrresource grid