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Hm.. perhaps it was added after 5.5.0 - try with 5.5.1?

Can you please test the performance w/o filtering but with sorting? I'm benchmarking on the reduced dataset, so numbers are different, I'm curious if the behavior in your app is matching.

Hm.. I definitely see 1 filter enabled in your app:

Office_014.png (500.44 KiB) Viewed 98 times

Some further checks revealed that its actually filtering that impacts the performance most, not sorting. My benchmarking for applyChangeset:

Raw: 3ms
Sorting: 8ms
Filtering: 157ms
Sorting + Filtering: 134ms

Does it match with your experience?

Thanks for the update, I've created a ticket to investigate:

Ok, those messages seems to trigger excessive data updates. Perhaps if that can be fixed, even performance with sorter will be acceptable (theoretically should be the same as applying sort manually as you tried).

HummingbirdWEBApp - Google Chrome_015.png
HummingbirdWEBApp - Google Chrome_015.png (472.94 KiB) Viewed 133 times

After the deploy change I do see a different profile results. The timing of the individual applyChangeset call seems to be improved, but there's many of them, all triggered by some web socket message. You can also check why that happens.

Just a side note that WBS code is refreshed for every field change because of the enabled sorter (with enabled sorter we don't know if the change in "description" affect position of the node or not). If you can disable the sorter that might also improve the performance.

I found few places where our code can be optimized. To verify if it helps, please change this code in the sources: if (!changesetApplied){ var applyObject = { updated:[] }; applyObject.updated.push(treeDataObject); gridComponent._store.applyChangeset(applyObject); } to if (!changesetApplied){ var ap...