Search found 2540 matches

You should parse your response and apply the data as your "columns" config. As always, for further assistance please provide a runnable testcase.
Please put a "debugger" into the callback and check what response and response.parsedJson are

If you want to change default items and do not remove them, please use processItems function. You can find the menu item you want and change it the way you need. Please always ask 1 question per thread. It helps to keep the forum organized.

Hello, Please try it out: showRemoveEventInContextMenu : false, features : { eventContextMenu : { processItems({ items }) { items.find(item => == 'editEvent').hidden = true; } } }, Docs here:
Hello, Please load your columns first, and in the success callback please create the Scheduler with the columns in the config. Please see the docs: AjaxHelper.get('./columns.json', { parseJson : true }).then(respons...
Hello, I've checked your testcase. The thing is that it's slow because of huge number of DOM elements on the page. Having split grid feature enabled or disabled doesn't affect the performance much. The problem is that rendering of 53 years on the timeline overload your browser and the interface beco...
I've created a feature request to make it configurable without this listener:
Please listen to responsive event to change sub grids width. Here is an example of how to achieve what you need: responsiveLevels : { small : 1000, normal : '*' // everything above 1000 }, columns : [ { type : 'resourceInfo', imagePath : '../_shared/images/users/', text : 'Staff', responsiveLevels :...
Hello Husein, Please add Search feature to the scheduler. It's off by default. In case of React Simple demo please modify "BryntumScheduler" component in examples/react-demos/simple/src/containers/Main.js: features={{ search : true }} To check how it works you can open the demo in a browse...
Please see subGridConfigs docs. You can set width to null or do not specify it at all. That should stretch the subgrid width to fit all the columns. subGridConfigs : { locked : { width : null } }, Also flex config is available. In this case the locked column will share total width in some proportion...