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Sorry,right now this is not configurable.
By default in Ext groupingFeature doesn't work with locked grids (that Scheduler/Gantt are based on) at all. Sending parameters to groupingFeature constructor is currently not supported. You could submit a feature request via our issue tracker ...
As for your second question - you are trying to add gantt to an existing page ? What is the layout of your page and in which element you want to have it rendered ? The easiest solution that comes to my mind would be rendering panel to a specified DOM element , ie if your desired holder for gantt has...
Can you be more specific on are you trying to achieve then ? Does this call to genres store return proper dates ? Regarding setting dates WHEN INITIALIZING Gantt : user 'prodda' gave the proper answer here . The other way would be to pass those...
Do you mean, that genres store has only one record ? If yes , you can do it like :
var record = genres.getAt(0),
    s     = record.get('startDate');
We need some more info from you to be able to help : what version of Ext have you finally decided to use ? What versions of our components are you using ? Are your working on the example cases ? Give us a step-by-step walkthrough to reproduce this error.
Have you looked into minification tools like Google Closure Compiler or Yahoo YUI Compressor ?