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we just use the same css as before

we switched from 5.5 to 5.6.4 and we do not have any graphical view of the tasks in gantt and schedulerPro any more (see screenshot), even the current day (red) line is not shown any more.
In the console there is not any error message/exception shown

question: you'll support the width % in a future version ?

thanks for the fast reply, that solved the problem (all our columns have been configured with %)

we create views like this and it never was a problem in 5.5 but now in 5.6 we have an exception var grid = new bryntum.grid.Grid({ ref : 'mainGrid', height : '100%', rowHeight : 60, store, columns : gridColumnArray, listeners : { cellClick(eventObject){ wpGcellClick(eventObject); } } }); the excepti...

we have a tree grid and would like to group the root nodes by the field validity, the field right to Order (see screenshot). With the group feature this is not possible, any idea ?

Hi, this is exactly what we are looking for, great ;)

Hi, unfortunately I cannot refer to an example. It is a question if conceptionally there is a possibility to use/show the calendar class instance that we associate to a resource can be shown in the calendar (the working/not working time somehow as background ...