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Please provide the expression you want to construct?

Best regards,

P.S. And if text parser doesn't work for you please keep in mind you can use recur parser:


You can put its result to recurrentStartDate/recurrentEndDate fields Should work as well.

Hello, Try writing the rule like this: at 13:00 every 1 day of the year starting on the 59 It's not that human readable but laterjs parser should understand it. Yes the library is not perfect but it works for the majority of cases users request from calendars. We faced some issues too (https://githu...

Duration by definition is amount of working time between start and end dates.
If you expect something else then it's probably not duration but some other custom value. Feel free to add a custom field and calculate it the way you need.

Just track mouse hovering and display any element you want. Can be implemented with EventHelper class help EventHelper.on({ // listen to gantt timeaxis part element events element : gantt.timeAxisSubGridElement, pointerover : (event) => { const { target } = event, rowElement = target.closest('.b-gri...
An event of a group can't be moved more in the past than the group start date setting Start No Earlier Than constraint on a parent task will prevent its children to move earlier than the constraint date (generally speaking all parent constraints are inherited by its children) Moving a task in the f...

Task 2's duration should be 1 day from users perspective.

Task 2 uses 24/7 calendar so duration between its start and end dates is 24 hours.
Your project specifies that day unit value is 8 hours:

hoursPerDay: 8

So 24 hours duration === 3 days

No the Gantt doesn't have elapsed duration support I'm afraid.
Similar effect can be achieved with using a 24/7 calendar for a task (and setting its ignoreResourceCalendar to true if it has assignments).
Best regards,

Regarding why your parent task doesn't move - it's hard to tell since you haven't provided a test case.

My guess is it probably contains a manually scheduled child task. Then the parent cannot move since its child position is supposed to be set by user manually.

Hello, Yes, it's the same logic there. The "Effort driven" flag does the same thing - makes effort field "fixed". It's purpose is to allow fixing both effort and duration (or units). So when having "Effort driven" on and "Fixed Duration" - the task will treat ...