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Will do and get back to you tomorrow.

Thanks a lot, for your quick responses and help!
Ok I managed to make our tests run again by usind this override: Siesta.Project.Browser.meta.extend({ override: { launchTest: function() { var me = this, setupFn = Scope.Provider.IFrame.prototype.setup; Scope.Provider.IFrame.prototype.setup = function(callback) { var iframeProvider = this; for (var ...
Using unfortunately is not enough. Is there a way to override the setup method of Scope.Provider.Role.WithDOM, or better yet override the launchTest method of Siesta.Project.Browser.meta.extend so that my additional files are added to the testScriptScopeProvider before the test-case? edit: ...
Ok looks like my test setup is not correct. We use setUrl without enablePageRedirect. Any idea how this could have worked with Chrome 71? And why it crashes since Chrome 72? Anyhow, we updated our tests to use enablePageRedirect but now new problems occur. In our tests we rely on the existence of th...
Hi, our integration tests are failing with being stuck on the "Waiting for page to load" message. When we launch the test, we start on a blank page and use setUrl to navigate to our page. Up until Chrome 71 this has been working like a charm. Unfortunately since Chrome 72 this is broken (u...