Search found 793 matches

Hi, for performance reasons, we reuse rows and cells as you scroll the grid. And by default cells are not cleared before being reused, since DOM might have been directly manipulated in the renderer without us knowing about it. You can change this behavior by configuring your column with alwaysClearC...
Hi, I see our docs are a brief on this topic (have opened a ticket on improving them If you only want to alter a few colors, I would use plain old CSS to override our rules. But if you want to customize many parts of an existing theme I would recommen...
Hi, We use FontAwesome as it is, only changing the $fa-css-prefix var to b-fa to reduce risk of collision with other versions of it. Unfortunately they have not designed it so that fas , fab or far are created using the prefix. Sounds like you have already worked around it, but if it is causing you ...


Seems to be a misunderstanding here. The Turkish locale is available in the current version. You can find it under build/locales/gantt.locale.Tr.js. It is not named umd

Hi, I hope I am not missing the point here, but you have to opt in for the rollup to register as a change on a parent by suppling the includeParentInChangeSet flag. Perhaps you have that enabled by mistake?
Hi, If I understood correctly, the following does the trick for me: window.makeParent = () => { const target = scheduler.selectedRecord, newParent = target.parent.insertChild({ name : 'New parent', iconCls : 'b-fa b-fa-asterisk', expanded : true }, target); newParent.appendChild(target); };
Hi, I recommend you take a look at the Angular drag-from-grid demo ( Sources are available in the distribution zip found in our CustomerZone. While it shows how to drag from a Grid, the dragging code (in initDrag() ) is n...

Yes seems there is no API to easily get the groupParent from a "multi-grouping link" (groupParent is not public btw).
Not optimal, but perhaps you can walk up based on index until you encounter a record.isGroupHeader (that flag is public)?

Hi Paul, Having revisited your testcase, I see that the fail vector I first found was not the real cause. Will look into it further on Monday, what you are doing in the app should work without needing a forced refresh. Ticket to track my progress on that:
Measuring is expensive, probably you would have to render each string to an offscreen div with the event styling on it, and measure the div. There are some utility functions for that in DomHelper ( ...