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Neat! Thank you Maxim!

clientUrl works fine, except when some stylesheets (in our framework at least) make use of the url() CSS function and those links are not translated.

I'm about to have something working.

(by the way the link you gave leads back here ;) )

Hi!! :D I have embedded the Gantt diagram inside an existing framework. To have access to most web resources like images, fonts and css, that framework requires users to be logged in. This all works fine when viewing the diagram. When exporting however, the export server which uses puppeteer (opens ...



Expand the method documentation, and see the text for the clearExisting option. I believe it's inacurrate ;)

Hi! :D v5.0.4 Here are the steps to replicate: Load the demo: in the console, manually add a timespan: gantt.highlightTimeSpan({ taskRecord: gantt.project.taskStore.getById(1), name : 'hello!', startDate : new Date(2019, 01, 01), endDate : new...
Hello! Here's how to reproduce: Load the demo: In the console, apply a filter: gantt.taskStore.filter({filters : task => == "xx", replace : true}); Then create a highlight for a task: gantt.highlightTimeSpan({ taskRecord: g...

Now with color pickers! :)


I hope you find this inspiring ;)

Alright! I got it, it's So here it is, roughly: const myStore = new Store({ id: 'highlightTimespans', modelClass: HighlightTimespanModel, listeners: { change: some_function_to_apply_visual_changes, // triggers on the fly for all c...

Wait, I was too quick ;) It works, it's just that the cancel button does not trigger the change event on the store so the visuals are not updated. I'll check what's the best event to use here

I added the store to the stm and apparently it's not enough. The behavior is the same. My store is a simple store: new Store({ id: 'highlightTimespans', modelClass: HighlightTimespanModel, listeners: { change: some_function_to_apply_visual_changes } }); Is it missing something?
Hi!! As I've already said in another thread I'm adding a new tab to the task editor to edit highlighted timespans for a given task. The tab is based on the AssignmentTab class. Here's roughly how I did it: Create a new Model with the necessary fields Create a new Store. Set modelClass to the new cla...