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Here is a list of some of the updates: Fixed several bugs when using multiple active schedulers simultaneously. New columnTypes: 'dayNoWeekends', 'monthAndDays' ColumnFactory column constructors now accepts a skipFn function to skip certain columns. Improved debugging script allowOverlap config whic...
I think the way forward for you now is to override Sch.plugins.LabelEditor, to gain full control over which type of editor is used. If you solve it, please post in the forums if you don't mind helping others :)
Hiya, you already have full control of what's shown in the right/left labels. Notice these properties: var g = new Sch.GanttPanel({ height : 600, width: 1000, enableGrouping : true, renderTo : Ext.getBody(), [b]leftLabelField : 'Title', rightLabelField : 'Responsible',[/b] Is that what we're asking ...
Just created a complete example using ASP.NET MVC2 and LINQ. The demo is attached to this thread. Enjoy :)
Just updated all the examples with the latest scheduler code, fixes a few minor bugs reported. Let me know if see something suspicious!

Feel free to try out the new examples, if you find any bugs please let us know!

Just posted a new example on the website showing how you can utilize the vertical space to show multiple simultaneous events for a single resource. To see one way of doing this using only CSS, check out this example:


Enjoy :)