Search found 1194 matches

Hi, Shashank! This config defaults to '\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0' . This outputs spaces in cvs as non-breaking spaces This works for xlsx export, but breaks csv. Try using this config in app features : { excel...
Hi! Please confirm which exact commands you have run, which files were created for accessing Bryntum registry? These commands, executed on clean system in empty project folder are enough to install package. npm config set "@bryntum:registry=" npm login --auth-type=le...
Hi! If you have created .npmrc files for trial login, please remove all and recreate with valid licensed login. Logout from repository and login again. npm logout --registry= npm login --auth-type=legacy --registry= Please check package name for licensed...


Great to hear that! Thanks for the information!

Hi! Please try all of the below instructions and reply what you have received on each step. 1) Login to Customer Zone ( with email which you want to use for npm. Open "Licenses" section on the left and check your licenses there. Calendar and Scheduler...


Please try to login with email.


Could you please use npm login with the email, which has both active licenses in Customer Zone?

Please reach me in PM with email which was used for npm login if you still have installation problems.


calendar-react is free package, which doesn't require license, so it can be installed under login with Scheduler license.

Please make sure you have one login which have both licenses in Customer Zone.
Please contact Bryntum licensing department for the details.


Please try removing global npm packages and try again.
Seems that you use minipass-fetch npm module, which is nonstandard one.


Please attach full npm log.
I can confirm, that npm sever works and I was is able to install our packages