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In the example when adding a row, the first field is selected and in edit mode. If I try to <tab> to next field without adding a value I would like to have the same "This field is required" message shown. As it works right now I can't leave the field and it's hard to understand why.
Hi, We are using the grid to add new objects and want to use the option "required" on some fields. The problem is that the text "This field is required" only shows on mouse over and not on for example <tab>. It is hard for the user to understand what the problem is right now. We ...
Thanks, Could you please show an example of how I can find the value in the functions "yourMethodToGetStartMaxValue()/yourMethodToGetStartMinValue()". When editorContext.column.field == 'start' I want to find the current end date, and when in editorContext.column.field == 'end' I want to f...
Thanks, Is it possible to do this when one of the dates are changed? Like this: { text: 'Starting', id: 'start', type: 'date', field: 'start', format: 'YYYY-MM-DD', width: '9em', editor: { type: 'datefield', format: 'YYYY-MM-DD', listeners: { change: function(ev) { // Set min on finish date field ba...
Ok, so if I understand you correctly. First find the record "myRecord ='nnn')". The found record is then used to handle record events "myRecord.set(myRecordEvent)". This will update the record event if it's already in the record otherwise it will add it as a ne...
In "Basic demo", a single event is "Dad's birthday" in record "Sam".
Ok, so I have to reload all data related to that record? There is no function to handle single events?

After the schedule is rendered, how can I add/update/delete one event from remote call and show the change.
I can find the record by id ('myRecordId').
How do I access one event in that record and after add/update/delete make the schedule show the update?
Here is an updated "examples/groupedheaders/app.umd.js", instead of '.activity', class used here is '.name'. Hover over the lightblue names for console log. "use strict"; function nameRender(_ref) { var value = _ref.value, cellElement = _ref.cellElement; cellElement.innerHTML = '...
var tooltip = window.bryntum.grid.Tooltip({
  hideOnDelegateChange: 700,
  forSelector         : '.activity',
  showOnHover         : false,
  listeners: {
    beforeShow: function(_ref) {
      // Here is the tooltip code, html to show is fetched remote via an ajax call