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Hi, We do not have built-in logic to validate cells, only fields. To make it manually, you can use renderer and record field, that will mark record as invalid. renderer has access to cell element and to row, all you need i...
Hi, 1) I checked video. It depends on your API. To save changes on backend, you can enable or call manually. You also...

Hi Charlene,

Sounds like you want to update formatting in all zoom levels and not only one.
So maybe you need to use localization in this case? Please see the guide and code snippets here

Hi, Please attach runnable test case and steps to reproduce. It's pretty hard to see what's the problem by visually review. Usually, if it jumps back, that probably means methods doesn't support async check, or false /undefined returned from the method, or async flag has not being set. We can say ex...
Hi, 1) It is possible using only 1 way, calling and pass second param to not keep duration. By default changing startDate will keep duration and move a task accordingly. 2) TaskResize feature allows to change tas...
Hi Cuong Ngo, Welcome on forums! I just downloaded pdf server from our repo here and ran npm i I see "deprecated" notes but it's possible to start it without any problems. Could you please provide more details about problems you have before I op...


Next release is planned in nearest days this week, I am afraid it is not possible to fix it before that. But I will notify product management about your request to increase priority for this problem as much as it possible.


Thanks for sharing that, really appreciated. We will try to describe it clearly to make is easy for start.

Hi conn.finn, What is expected result? Do you want to see Actions inside the group? Or you need action for group header as well? If first, put action column after Template column. If second, docs says Actions may be placed in Group ...

Please see requirements here

Bryntum Gantt requires Angular 9.0.0 or higher, and TypeScript 3.6.0 or higher.