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Hello, It happens since your dataset does not provide the project startDate value. In this case the Gantt will try calculating it based on provided dataset. And this is what it does after you click the button. I've changed your data.ts file this way: const data = { "success": true, "p...
Hello, I don't think that our definition of a cycle is something unusual... A task & dependecies structure like A -> B -> C -> A ..where task A pushes task B which pushes Task C which pushes task A... If you are searching for a way to detect if a dependency is invalid then ProjectModel has valid...
Hello, The tooltip is implemented with Gnt.template.TaskTooltip class You need to override its getPercentDoneString method. Here is for example I extend that class and change result to display twp decimal places: // A custom tooltip template Ext.define("Gnt.examples.advanced.template.TaskToolti...
Hello, The component supports TreeGroup and Group features just because they the default way of grouping shipped with the component. But it can be extended to use existing grouping API in a different way. You can use your own custom data structure. The component decides which record is a group based...


As I mentioned above assigning a resource to the same task more than once is not supported.
So I've no idea how the component works in such cases.

Best regards,

P.S. BTW I've noticed you provide both recurrentStartDate / recurrentEndDate and startDate / endDate field values in your calendar intervals. This configuration is ok before v6.0.0 (it just uses recurrent* fields only when got values there). But since v6.0.0 it will mean a different thing - a recurr...

Assignment model has no start/end date fields and assigning the same resource to a task more than once is not supported.
That's why you it as an overallocation.
Best regards,

Hello, There are different types of resolutions. Some of them require additional argument and some don't. Yes parent-child dependencies are treated in a different way and their resolutions don't need extra arguments. So this code won't work: if (!project) { project = resolutionParameters[0].project;...

I'm afraid the screenshots and file you provided is not enough.
Please provide a runnable test case. so we could checks debug what's going on.


You can use Store API for more details:

// returns removed records

Best regards,