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You have probably updated npm to version 7+ which is more strict about outdated dependencies.
You need to run npm i --legacy-peer-deps.

Post please a showcase that we can run, investigate and debug/fix. We cannot just guess what could be wrong without really seeing the errors thrown in the browser and without the possibility to change the code and see the effects of the change.

Confirmed, it is a bug. The ticket is here

Thank you very much for reporting.

It looks good except features because we recommend to use them individually with the Feature suffix. In this example it would be: [filterBarFeature] = "schedulerConfig.features.filterBar" [resourceTimeRangesFeature] = "schedulerConfig.features.resourceTimeRanges" // ... etc Shoul...

Hello, Mats already posted the code sample above, however, we would listen to a different event in this case:

    beforeEventEdit : function(ev) {
        // your decision logic
        return false; // to not show the popup or return true; to show it

The final test of data is when it loads in the scheduler. The format looks OK for the human eye, though.

project is mandatory for pro:

Screen Shot 2021-09-17 at 16.06.28.png
Screen Shot 2021-09-17 at 16.06.28.png (145.89 KiB) Viewed 812 times

If the issue won't resolve, prepare please a showcase, we'll investigate it.

Yes, Gantt scheduling engine automatically calculates dates and tries to start tasks as soon as possible according to dependencies and constraints. The best way to avoid scheduling during non-working times is to use You may also wa...
Would you please make your code into a runnable form? There is only one problematic spot apparent in the above code and that is the Store you pass into Scheduler. Scheduler works with eventStore, resourceStore and others. SchedulerPro must have a
beforeClose event is fired in close method of Popup (which Tooltip extends) but this method is only called for closable tooltips after clicking on X in the top right corner of such tips. You should listen to beforeHide event which does fire. Anyway, I've created the issue to improve/correct our doc...