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The stores, eventStore, resourceStore or any other store are not supposed to be accessed by ref . Vue usually wraps the passed object in JavaScript proxy which can cause unexpected problems. User ref only to get the reference to a higher level component (scheduler, gantt, etc) and then access its st...
Another option would be to import Bryntum stylesheets globally but it's same. The calendar stylesheet just must be global because the component does not go through the Angular encapsulation logic. If your application cannot use None as a view encapsulation then you can wrap the calendar in another A...

Does the above error originate in a Bryntum component? Is it still "...bundle was loaded multiple times..."? If so, is it feasible to provide us a showcase?

I assume that Scheduler batches all view model updates in a queue if more than one update is executed in the same function call Actually, we have a some methods to call before and after batch operations. One,, you c...
Hello @peachaws, I have reviewed the code of the upcoming example mentioned by @mats above and it contains a workable paging toolbar implementation. The code is very clean and easy to understand. We have also noted that using the bryntum grid does not support the reactivity of vue. What exactly do y...

Hi @awcode, .npmrc removed. I hope the rest of the code is OK.

@awacode, I have reproduced it with your showcase and it is a bug. Here is the issue:

Yes, we have the email and we're checking your showcase.

Gantt uses various ways of scheduling tasks, the primary being an Automatic Event Scheduling In this case the scheduling engine (re)evaluates all dependencies, constraints, flag of the tasks to properly (automa...