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Please take a look at the header-summary demo, it refreshes the header on event store changes:

It does so by calling scheduler.timeAxisColumn.refreshHeader()


If you are using the timeRanges feature for the lines, the CSS for it has pointer-events : none on the containing div (from the .b-sch-canvas rule). Which prevents mouse interactions. Override that in your apps CSS:

.cLine {
  pointer-events : all;
Hi, The logic for percentDone is handled by the scheduling engine, the column just shows the result. So while you can reconfigure the column to use another field, it wont give you the aggregation up to the parents. What you probably should try instead is to use an AggregateColumn, and configure it t...

Happy to hear you figured it out!

You could also try using the Editor widget ( The docs on it are very brief, but you can check the sources for SimpleEventEdit to get the hang of it. Something like this could work: eventRenderer({ eventRecord }) { return [ { tag : '...

While not exactly what you are asking for, the SimpleEventEdit feature would give you a lighter editing experience. Perhaps worth trying

Hello, First I most say that while TaskBoard can handle large datasets, a kanban board is not the ideal UI for it. It is better suited for a dataset of limited size. Secondly sorry but no, TaskBoard has not been designed to handle pagination and it wont send individual queries per column. Currently ...
Hi, for performance reasons, we reuse rows and cells as you scroll the grid. And by default cells are not cleared before being reused, since DOM might have been directly manipulated in the renderer without us knowing about it. You can change this behavior by configuring your column with alwaysClearC...
Hi, I see our docs are a brief on this topic (have opened a ticket on improving them If you only want to alter a few colors, I would use plain old CSS to override our rules. But if you want to customize many parts of an existing theme I would recommen...
Hi, We use FontAwesome as it is, only changing the $fa-css-prefix var to b-fa to reduce risk of collision with other versions of it. Unfortunately they have not designed it so that fas , fab or far are created using the prefix. Sounds like you have already worked around it, but if it is causing you ...