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Can't find any information regarding recurring events in Scheduler. I see that there is support for recurring events in the ExtJS-version.. Is this feature in the road map?
Do you have an example of an ExtJs modern integration like the one you have provided for Bryntum Scheduler?
I found a way to circumvent this bug by using scheduler.timeAxis.refreshData() after updating workhours. Just thought I'd mention this..
How can we reproduce the issue you see? Please provided a runnable testcase based on one of our shipped examples. P.S. That could be the same issue, please see the ticket here: I think that this is the same bug. It happens in our application when...
When setting/resetting the non-continuous settings the scheduler keeps the same size even though the days and hours have been "cut" from the scheduler. In our case we have a function that flips between: workingTime: {"fromHour":0,"toHour":24,"fromDay":0"t...
Yes, together with the grid locale in /Common/localization/.. we can get the full picture. It's kinda tricky though..

Would be nice with the built locale files in non-minified versions.
I don't see that we lose it. Go here: Select 3 events, click page header (not part of scheduler). Events still selected. Am I missing something? You are right, I wasn't very clear in my post. The selection is persistent but the b-active class is removed...
It would be swell if there was a setting (i.e. persistentEventSelection: true) where a selected event would keep being selected even if scheduler loses focus (clicking outside of scheduler). We have a lot of functionality connected to the event selection (custom edit event, copy event to another pag...
When selecting an event when the mouse is in "resize-mode" the event is shown as selected (b-active) but the 'eventselectionchange'-event is not fired. Is this intentional?

It causes a problem for us since we need to keep track of the selected events outside of the scheduler.
Currently we are using Sencha's cmd-compressor (type 'cmd') which is not accepting Bryntum's minified locale files (In version 1.2.2 of Scheduler the files were not minified).

Is there any way of getting non-minified locale files?