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Ok, I solved my problem :D
I was able to trick the code just to see what you meant and I saw what you mean, thanks for the help!
Ok, I cannot test this now, I will let you know tomorrow what we have done.

Thanks for the quick reply!
Hi there, Sorry for hijacking this but my problem is kind of similar, I want to load my leafs on the expand event, actually, which event is triggerd when you click the plus sign? I captured the 'expand' and 'beforeexpand' and are not being invoked in the root expansion, how can I listen to it? Thank...
I had also to override a column renderer for specific columns in grids, maybe this can help you: function colorRenderer (value, metaData, record, rowIndex, colIndex, stor) { var table = cachedTemplate('<div width="100%" style="background-color:#{color}"><table><tr><td>{value}</td...
It's kind of you want to put an image inside the div?

Something like this:
gridWithImage.png (1.99 KiB) Viewed 7799 times
I really don't know how to achive it :?

(I tricked the code with firebug)
Hi Mauricio, What about this: timeCellRenderer = function (events, m, resourceRecord, row, col, ds, cellStartTime, cellEndTime, grid) { if (someConditionForThisCell) { m.css = 'myIcon'; } } .myIcon: { background-image: url('/myPath/myImage.png'); } I think you where already doing it for weekends if ...