Search found 5 matches

This works perfectly, thanks!

I have a column setup like this: interface Renderer { record: any, value: Array<string>, size: any, cellElement: any, } { field: 'tags', text: 'Tags', flex: 1, renderer: (data: Renderer): ReactElement => <Tags {} />, editor: (ref: RefObject<any>): ReactElement => <TagsEdit ref={ref} />, } <Gr...
Hi! I can see all the events working as intended with your override. But how would I make the grid re-render to reflect the new 'rowHeight' in a react context since it wont actually change the displayed height only by setting 'rowHeight'. Also, I need to set the height independently within the cellE...

Is it possible to access the row size in a custom cell editor as it's possible in a custom cell renderer to manipulate the height of the rows? I'm using the react wrapper for the grid.

Hi, if i understand the documentation correct it should be possible to use another (body) container as the scroller for the grid to manage the virtual rendering, but I cannot get it to work. I want to have the scrolling on the <body> instead of the grid container element so I only have one scroller ...