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My problem was really the [crudManager]. Thanks for all your help!

I was litterally trying to test what Pavel send me, to see if shows up on the calendar option: { "success" : true, "resources" : { "rows" : [ { "id" : "bryntum", "name" : "Bryntum team", "eventColor" : "blue" }...
agenda.component.html <div class="agenda-day"> <bry-calendar #calendar style="height: 610px !important;" *ngIf="flag == true" [date]='calendarDateStart' [modes]="calendarConfig.modes" [resources]='resources' [events]='events' [sidebar]='calendarConfig.sidebar'...

Image attached.

There are no errors. My problem is that I need to include two calendars: Personal and Appointments. And I don't know if I do this add on TS, HTML or on the calendar.config.ts. This information is not clear on your documentation.

The problem is that I can't find on the documentation where do I include a new category of calendar. In the Bryntum Calendar examples there always more then on type of Calendar like in this print that I'm sending. In those examples, there is no how to implement this list of calendars.

I did everything and still not showing the category that I want to create. Can you give me more details to include calendars on the Calendar field? In the documentation i'ts not clear how I'm suppost to do.

I've tryed to enter on Resources Store to see how to change my calendar, but the page doesn't exists.


How do I edit the list of calendars for the field highligted on the print? In wich part I populate this field? Because on my application it only shows 'undefined'.

These examples only show how the config.ts is configurated. My problem is how do I enable my config features on the tag <bry-calendar>. Example: <bry-calendar> [features]='calendarConfig.features' </bry-calendar> I've tryed this way however the Calendar doesn't know this [features]='calendarConfig.f...