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Hi, I have noticed some strange behavior when trying to set the I have the following code: <BryntumScheduler ref='scheduler'{...schedulerConfig} eventsVersion={eventsVersion} resourcesVersion={resourcesVersion} resources={selectedEmployeesArray} events={jobsArray} //eventsA...
Hi, When I do this - and hoover an event I will see the name of the previous event I hoovered. EG: I hoover resource 1 - Name is Hans. Result -> Hans is displayed in tooltip.title. I hoover resource 2 - Name is Peter. Result -> Hans is displayed in tooltip.title. I hoover resource 3 - Name is Sara. ...
renovationYearField: { type: 'combo', name: 'renovationYear', label: 'Oppussing', weight: 120, items: ['Booking har ikke tid', 'Kunden vil ikke svare', 'Husker ikke', '1 år siden', '2 år siden', '3 år siden', '4 år siden', '5-10 år side', '10-15 år siden', '15-20 år siden', '20-25 år siden', '25-30...
Hi, I want a field in my event editor to become visible if several of available values in another field is selected. I get it to work if i only specify on value - as in the example here: But I want the field to be visible based on severa...

When creating a new event - how can i set the default value for values in a field of type combo?

Is it possible to have a link in the event editor.
I know I have the options to use "combo", "text" and "check". But I would like to have a link - preferably opening a popup-window.

Did you manage to solve this one? I need to do the same thing.

The value of the tbar-> datefield does not update when I update state. Why? tbar={[ { type: 'datefield', //label: 'Velg dato', inputWidth: '8em', value: new Date(this.state.selectedDate), <<-- does not change on state change listeners: { change: ({ value }) => { this.dateChange(value) } } I need to ...

How can I open the event editor when user single clicks an event?