Search found 4 matches

Thank you, 'pageStartParamName' has fixed the issue.
We've already made changes to the parameter names. The change of parameter names is functional. However, this question pertains to the values that the grid pagination appends to the query params. Current grid: Clicking "next" or page "2" on the pagination UI button makes an ajax ...
Hello, I am using the Bryntum Grid with Angular 9.1.4. How to I do custom pagination with the common OData URL query param specification, top and skip, where skip indicates the record index of which needs to skip? Example: ?top=1 // give me a total of 1 record Example: ?skip=10 // give me records st...
Hi, I'm using the Grid with an AjaxStore. However, I don't have control or access to the underlying implementation of XHR. Meaning I cannot use Angular HttpClient built-ins such as HttpInterceptor for testing. That said - is there a way to change or provide a custom XHR solution? I saw the AjaxHelpe...